People are so stupid with this whole pot thing.
Everyone who has never smoked a joint in there life will light one up. Now not everyone likes the smoking part.
But investing in the pot business that grows the plants I feel is a worthless adventure. Small will be taken out quick and large then will control the system. In walks the big pharmaceuticals.
Real money is in becoming the next Kraft with pot-laced products.
Cookies brownies cereal etc.
People will fall for this shit like they do for organic.
In the short term, it will good till the stores figure it out and destroy that industry with
10 cents for grower 30 for processor and 60 for the store.
Everyone who has never smoked a joint in there life will light one up. Now not everyone likes the smoking part.
But investing in the pot business that grows the plants I feel is a worthless adventure. Small will be taken out quick and large then will control the system. In walks the big pharmaceuticals.
Real money is in becoming the next Kraft with pot-laced products.
Cookies brownies cereal etc.
People will fall for this shit like they do for organic.
In the short term, it will good till the stores figure it out and destroy that industry with
10 cents for grower 30 for processor and 60 for the store.