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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Ok, I'm going to start today's report with the PM and his government. I read the Bio of a lot of his backbenchers and wow he got some quality people to run. Sad part none of these qualified people were put in Cabinet or on committees. So the lady that crossed the floor and not just crossed tore Trudeau and his gov a new asshole. Maybe there are others who realize he is a total brainless twit. Nafta they wonder why it's not getting negotiated properly well look at our fool that's in charge. I really think the Polling companies that say Trudeau will win are so full of Shit it's not funny. I emailed Nanos That, he sent me a nice email back stating I was banned from his site. Wow, what a loser.

    Ralph quit even if he put you on another high paying extra job. Just quit before your embarrassed.

    Ok, the next thing that pisses me off is the New STat Can Screw the Market feel good we can't do our job right so we're going high tech. Well, it sucks and is about as useless thing I have ever seen. Yes, farmers fudge a bit but this isn't working either.

    Here is some news that's not getting any attention. $11 Billion dollars of the crop is in the field under water under snow in shit mud etc. No all I hear is were ahead of the average. Well WTF, if mother nature decides to piss around, does anyone really think well get a Miricle harvest in November. You can see panic setting in with facebook posts of guys taking canola and yes they have a dryer that does maybe 500 an hour and they are harvesting thousands an hour. Hm, yea the canola in the bin will be just fine till the dryer drys it. Hey, news at 11 you morons our wet bin feeding the dryer has to be cleaned every second day as canola starts to heat sticking to the sides when your doing 20 or under canola. But it will be so fine at that with cold air. WTF are guys just not getting it.

    Manitoba crop report on Monday. No change in the harvested area we had moisture but were ahead of the average. Well WTF.

    So here is the Sask Report.

    We squeaked to just the 50% done with harvest 2018. Had A shower then friday and sat were able to get two extra bags off that took us to 50% completed.

    Then it rained 1.2 in and well take it but all week the weather was cloudy cool and damp misty foggy till yesterday the sun came out. Farmers came out and played test the crop all over the place. Well, all went home with their tail between their legs it was to tough. STanding canola 13.7 and HRS 20.1. But one farm was taking flax not sure how that was dry. Very few grain dryer systems in our area so could be interesting. Also, some of the ones who are done are saying they harvested no dry cereals till the last few days of harvest. Aeration doesn't really do anything but keep grain from spoiling.

    HRS is almost all off in our areas. A few with extra wheat acreage or just seeding half canola half wheat still have HRS standing in fields. No swaths left. Yields for late HRS is good but didn't fill to the top like the early fields. Overall yields of hrs in our area are anywhere from 50 to 80. But that is based on Fert program and rain events.
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    Flax is coming off and after the frost a week ago its easy to cut. Less than last year on some.

    Peas are off and some real good and some suck.

    Oats is coming off ok for yield but lighter.

    Barley is all off except a few that seed it last and if swath the geese and ducks and rain did its damage. Early had normal yield later way less.

    Pastures liked the rain but need way more. Late greenfeed missed the rain by a month.

    Canola is the crop that's left and either straight or swath no one was going yesterday. Today lots will go but for some reason, the temp has climbed since 4 am and the rain is on its way NE. Don't have much hope for today I'm thinking for our area. Rain is now at 60% up from 40% last night.
    Canola yields are normal for our area to slightly below last years levels.

    Ah, the wild horses that haven't seen an owner for over 10 to 15 years. No one claims ownership. Stallion is in charge try to get near them and local Cowboys and ones brought in have had zero luck to get them. It's the RMS responsibility but they are busy writing letters. Crop insurance pays for the wild boar that some idiot let go when he went broke but real wild horses tough luck MR farmer. They do major damage. When I bought this farm there were 3 to 5, last year 15 this year 22. The big problem that's getting bigger each year and like everything we have to go through proper chanels to deal with it. HAHAH
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    Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post

    Manitoba crop report on Monday. No change in the harvested area we had moisture but were ahead of the average. Well WTF.
    Looks about right, harvest is all but done here. Early start, early finish and surprisingly good yields by all accounts. Waiting on grain corn to dry down but it's about a month ahead of normal too.


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      We have started working pea fields and have 640 acres already worked. Funny did some inventory and guys that don't understand the flood years and can't get what I mean when I say the lost years. We have 31 quarters that are back to 160 acres end to end that is a gain of roughly 27 acres a quarter or an extra 837 acres that haven't been seeded since the floods started. Productive black soil with moisture underground.

      We're back baby. This is the normal weather. Guess what Sept turns wet around time Jewish holidays start. It's like clockwork it gets wet. THen you get maybe 2 weeks in October but not always and if you get to close to the end of October sometimes it snows and stays. Harvesting in November has only been a very few times in my life and we don't count on harvesting in November.

      The dryer is ready at this time of year is not for Aeration. It's a stabilizer tool but does shit all for drying.

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      One last comment is to the two guys who post on here every once in a while that are leaving AG. You're getting out at the top and as businessmen, you know this shit show won't continue forever.

      I congratulate you on your decisions, way to go better than being the last guy to leave and turn out the lights.

      Canada is failing on all accounts as I said earlier, not one mention in news about an 11 billion dollar crop under snow and wet and still in the field. No Some new Bull shit way of saying how much we grow makes major news networks. It's a joke. Then go buy a part that use to be 30 bucks it's 250 like really. Up up and away. We're going to be in a downward cycle and credit will dry up or get way tougher to get.

      To those still harvesting and I know the pressure is great when you have no acres harvested or just peas at this time of year. Days are shorter and the sun is weaker and for some reason, the winds end. Talk and keep a positive attitude its tough but talking does help. There is nothing we can do when Mother nature decides to throw a hissy fit.

      Stay safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop.


        Canola’s downward spiral to continue. “The demand isn’t here because the buyers know that the farmer is undersold and they have to sell it,” said Wayne Palmer, a senior market analyst with Exceed Grain.

        I love guys like this, farmers have to sell.

        Yes to buy useless overpriced fertilizer because we all know that is a big play that is coming soon to a theatre near you.

        It's a joke.

        Again not one mention to the fact 11 BIllion is still left in the fields.

        Read Drews long-term next few weeks weather. Ah, he isn't warm and fuzzy about November harvesting.

        The ****seed production forecast for the E.U. was revised significantly lower from 21.1 million tonnes to 19.4 million tonnes, says COCERAL. That’s well below last year’s total of 21.9 million tonnes.

        The EU oilseed yields were negatively impacted by drought and high temperatures this season says the USDA attaché. Particularly ****seed production suffered from the unfavourable weather conditions. The three major oilseeds soybean, ****seed, and sunflower are forecast to result in an almost ten% declined total production in
        2018/19 compared to the previous year.

        But in this stupid country, we just tell the good news stories.

        Were ahead of the 5 year average.

        Like WTF.


          Please post what's happening in your area.

          Thank you.

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            Going to keep dry grain held tight for negotiations with grain cos.

            My locals are in agreement. ..they understands...

            As much as I bitch about graincos the people are good to deal with in my experience. ...

            Not many loads this week...

            Some dandy thank yous for the week ...tomorrow folks...


              Only one BTO going in standing canola, 15-20. Nothing will test on the dial. Snow Forecast for Friday. Forecast is turning starting Sunday.


                Nothing going on here. I few guys tried yesterday afternoon but the moisture readings were off the charts.
                Drew is saying on the radio that after this next damp period we should get some longer dry stretch's of weather.


                  SF3 where did you mount the camera on grain cart? Nice view.cant get mine to show like that.


                    Lots will try today but already heavy clouds and rain heading NE


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