Poorfarmer do you have NG or propane?
First use your existing hopper bins, they will work fine. We have ours located behind our straight row of bins, out of the way. Look at it like a opportunity, your not the only one so maybe some custom drying will help pay for the setup.
If your dryer is too far gone start looking for a continuous batch dryer, 180-450 bushel. Make sure you know how much power you have available and how much the dryer needs. 3 phase or single? Do you need augers? You can buy used and put electric motors on them. There is a few used dryers on Kijiji if you need to find one.
First use your existing hopper bins, they will work fine. We have ours located behind our straight row of bins, out of the way. Look at it like a opportunity, your not the only one so maybe some custom drying will help pay for the setup.
If your dryer is too far gone start looking for a continuous batch dryer, 180-450 bushel. Make sure you know how much power you have available and how much the dryer needs. 3 phase or single? Do you need augers? You can buy used and put electric motors on them. There is a few used dryers on Kijiji if you need to find one.