Originally posted by jazz
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We will never get direct USD pricing, I believe the big thing was once the CWB was gone, that'd happen.
Instead, we are at a discount to MGEX, have high basis levels and shitty movement.
THE CWB WAS A DISASTER the way it was - no questioning, but this mirage of an open market you think we have is a bigger joke.
Argentine farmers, after their export tax, get paid more for a bushel of wheat than we do... Where's the open market?
Here's the special addendum between Canada/USA on Grain.
Each Party shall accord to originating wheat imported from the territory of the other Party treatment no less favorable than that it accords to like wheat of national origin with respect to the assignment of quality grades, including by ensuring that any measure it adopts or maintains regarding the grading of wheat for quality, whether on a mandatory or voluntary basis, is applied to imported wheat on the basis of the same requirements as domestic wheat.
2. No Party shall require that a country of origin statement be issued on a quality grade certificate for originating wheat imported from the territory of the other Party, recognizing that phytosanitary or customs requirements may require such a statement.
3. At the request of the other Party, the Parties shall discuss issues related to the operation of a domestic grain grading or grain class system, including issues related to the seed regulatory system associated with the operation of any such system, through existing mechanisms. The Parties shall endeavor to share best practices with respect these issues, as appropriate.
4. Canada shall exclude from transport rates that are subject to the Maximum Grain Revenue Entitlement, established under the Canada Transportation Act, or any modification, replacement, or amendment thereof, agricultural goods originating in Canada and shipped via west coast ports for consumption in the United States.
2. No Party shall require that a country of origin statement be issued on a quality grade certificate for originating wheat imported from the territory of the other Party, recognizing that phytosanitary or customs requirements may require such a statement.
3. At the request of the other Party, the Parties shall discuss issues related to the operation of a domestic grain grading or grain class system, including issues related to the seed regulatory system associated with the operation of any such system, through existing mechanisms. The Parties shall endeavor to share best practices with respect these issues, as appropriate.
4. Canada shall exclude from transport rates that are subject to the Maximum Grain Revenue Entitlement, established under the Canada Transportation Act, or any modification, replacement, or amendment thereof, agricultural goods originating in Canada and shipped via west coast ports for consumption in the United States.