Originally posted by grassfarmer
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It's often not the consumer pushing for change actually - case in point the McDonalds sustainability program for beef - that's a case of corporate greenwashing in my opinion. It's a business decision taken tactically by McDonalds playing on public opinion. What a joke - we get audited by McDonalds for sustainability while they still hand out their made in China plastic toy with every junk food kids meal. Who is auditing McDonalds for sustainability?
Talk of being ahead of the curve is all well and good, the beef guys thought that too. The inevitable result whether the farmer wants to participate willingly or grudgingly is that you will all jump through the hoops the processors/retailers tell you to and you will achieve commodity price, no premiums - not compliant production will be discounted or unsaleable. As producers we have no leverage - that was all given up through corporate concentration.[/QUOTE]
Same as the misconception we have about gaining social license or doing environmental farm plans to appease enviro wakkos. It never satisfies the squeakiest wheels. The majority wants affordable reasonable quality food. Granted there is a growing trend for organic, sustainable, natural etc stuff. Corps buy into that fear with these requirements to be first to market to out compete others at our expense. It’s like hormones. There’s no proof they make boys grow tits but there’s so much misinformation out there that even some farmers have doubts. Even some believe the earth is only 6000 years old but that’s for another day.