Originally posted by LEP
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Our planting window is mid/late april to 10 th of june. Hopefully rains come late march and april for seeding to commence and good storms have fallen over dec jan feb to provide subsoil moisture. Also a swing to dry high risk seeding and get weeds later if it dont rain spent big bucks on a failed crop that may not germinate.
Our last double digit rainfall in mm meaning 10mm or over was november 17th 2017 and prior to that august 10th 2017. So soils were dry,dry as a nuns wizzer.
Planting time came and we had spasmodic light falls to germinate some weeds.
Weather models and forecasters and gut feel suggested dry would continue until june at least even july.
Also grain prices were crap at the time and sheep and wool in stratosphere.
So d-day came sprayed off 80% intended acres so a drop of 20%.Paddocks dropped off had ok feed for livestock. Then once seeding commenced made another decision to drop another 15% but these paddocks were sown with vetch and oats for livestock or hay and poor mans break crop.
Some nieghbours decided not to crop at all other when full noise. I was somewere in the middle.
Now some have grazed crops, some have baled them up other like me hoping for crop will take photos this arvo currently 8 am sunday morning and please no laughter but will accept humour lol.
Funny though i should maybe be a climate change supporter but im not but not a sceptic either sit on the fence and look at both sides try to keep out of the pointless debates.
Since climate change talk occured from say mid 80s our rainfall has actually increased but distributuion changed big time, but rain anythime of the year stores moisture for us.
end of sunday day sermon.