Originally posted by jazz
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The carbon cycle is well known. We may have large areas of forest, crops, grasslands and oceans that act as carbon sinks but they also release carbon in the carbon cycle. Our carbon sinks are not getting larger.
Canada can not be considered carbon neutral as carbon sinks such as forest and grasslands reach an equilibrium point. They can only absorb so much and they also continue to release carbon.
" If all sources are equal to all sinks, the carbon cycle can be said to be in equilibrium (or i
n balance) and there is no change in the size of the pools over time. Maintaining a steady amount of CO2 in the atmosphere helps maintain stable average temperatures at the global scale. However, because fossil fuel combustion and deforestation have increased CO2 inputs to the atmosphere without matching increases in the natural sinks that draw CO2 out of the atmosphere (oceans, forests, etc.), these activities have caused the size of the atmospheric carbon pool to increase."
There are also several really worrying feed back loops as temperatures increase.
1. Increasing numbers of forest fires will rapidly release large amounts of carbon.
2. The decline of arctic sea ice increases the absorption of the suns energy.
3. The thawing of the permafrost in the arctic and sub arctic releasing massive amounts of methane.