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    Originally posted by fjlip View Post
    YES this is FAKE for FOOLS to SWALLOW...

    http://http://https//www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/we-have-until-2030-to-save-the-world-what-do-we-do-now-to-tackle-climate-change/114959/ http://http://https//www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/we-have-until-2030-to-save-the-world-what-do-we-do-now-to-tackle-climate-change/114959/

    Web page won’t open for me.


      Originally posted by redleaf View Post
      Web page won’t open for me.
      Well he did say it was FAKE!


        This one sided opinion piece based on flimsy conspiracy theories doesn't take in to account that the transition to new clean energy sources and technology requires investment in research, development and implementation that will create jobs and grow the economy. Much of which will be done by the private sector and capitalists. I have heard it said that there are already more jobs in the clean tech sector in Canada that there is in the oil and gas industry.

        Whether there is a carbon tax, cap and trade, regulations or the obsolescence of old technology, the transition away from fossil energy to renewable cleaner sources and energy efficiency is well underway.

        From Bloomberg:
        "The cost of an average PV plant falls 71% by 2050. Wind energy is getting cheaper too, and we expect it to drop 58% by 2050. PV and wind are already cheaper than building new large-scale coal and gas plants. Batteries are also dropping dramatically in cost. Cheap batteries enable wind and solar to run when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. "

        For those of you who cling to outdated notions, how many of you are using incandescent light bulbs, dial up internet, corded power tools instead of battery operated impact wrenches, getting all your information by snail mail, and only using a landline for a telephone?

        I am not just sure how we landed anyone on the moon without science and scientists to figure it out? But that was all fake too....according to some brainiacs!

        I guess science and scientists are all suspect too in the far out land of Agriville! Part of the most massive conspiracy in the history of humanity. LOL


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          This one sided opinion piece based on flimsy conspiracy theories doesn't take in to account that the transition to new clean energy sources and technology requires investment in research, development and implementation that will create jobs and grow the economy. Much of which will be done by the private sector and capitalists. I have heard it said that there are already more jobs in the clean tech sector in Canada that there is in the oil and gas industry.

          Whether there is a carbon tax, cap and trade, regulations or the obsolescence of old technology, the transition away from fossil energy to renewable cleaner sources and energy efficiency is well underway.

          From Bloomberg:
          "The cost of an average PV plant falls 71% by 2050. Wind energy is getting cheaper too, and we expect it to drop 58% by 2050. PV and wind are already cheaper than building new large-scale coal and gas plants. Batteries are also dropping dramatically in cost. Cheap batteries enable wind and solar to run when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. "

          For those of you who cling to outdated notions, how many of you are using incandescent light bulbs, dial up internet, corded power tools instead of battery operated impact wrenches, getting all your information by snail mail, and only using a landline for a telephone?

          I am not just sure how we landed anyone on the moon without science and scientists to figure it out? But that was all fake too....according to some brainiacs!

          I guess science and scientists are all suspect too in the far out land of Agriville! Part of the most massive conspiracy in the history of humanity. LOL
          I'm sure the eco warriors took great rejoice stopping pipelines. The flip side is western Canada select is sub $20. Without legislation, there isn't a green source of energy available capable of competing with crude. Due to royalty structure and road taxes there is no way fed or provincial govts will ban crude unless they can source the same revenues from green. In other words it's dead in the water. Legislation is very easily reversed. Ask Ontario. I suspect big oil is pricing refined products against green these days


            Owe man , I can hardly wait to have all that 'clean energy' from lithium batteries.

            //http://notrickszone.com/2018/10/19/the-widespread-social-and-environmental-destruction-behind-electric-car-batteries-and-e-mobility/ //http://notrickszone.com/2018/10/19/the-widespread-social-and-environmental-destruction-behind-electric-car-batteries-and-e-mobility/

            Dream on CC, so called 'clean energy' has a price also.

            Fake scientists using fake data to suck gubmint into imposing fake solutions to fake problems.

            That's global warming in a nut shell.

            PT Barnum said there is one born every minute.

            That's how Al Gore got rich.
            Last edited by RWT101; Oct 21, 2018, 11:28. Reason: hot link edit


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              I have heard it said that there are already more jobs in the clean tech sector in Canada that there is in the oil and gas industry.
              Can someone please show the new math which proves that you can have more jobs creating drastically less energy, and then have that energy be cheaper at the end.
              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              [/B] Batteries are also dropping dramatically in cost. Cheap batteries enable wind and solar to run when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. "
              This is excellent news, somehow I and everyone else seem to have missed this breakthrough, evidence please?
              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              I am not just sure how we landed anyone on the moon without science and scientists to figure it out? But that was all fake too....according to some brainiacs!
              We landed on the moon using copious amounts of cheap energy dense fossil fuels. Try that using batteries.


                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                Can someone please show the new math which proves that you can have more jobs creating drastically less energy, and then have that energy be cheaper at the end.

                This is excellent news, somehow I and everyone else seem to have missed this breakthrough, evidence please?

                We landed on the moon using copious amounts of cheap energy dense fossil fuels. Try that using batteries.
                Alberta do you even believe in math and science? Because you continuously deny scientists findings on human caused climate change.

                Why would you assume that there would be drastically less energy available as we transition away from fossil fuels? You are ignoring some key facts about how much solar energy is available. ( see below) Collecting, storing and distributing this energy present several challenges. But storage options are already being used and new cheaper and more efficient ones will be developed. All of this development, manufacturing and deployment requires many jobs.

                "The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year.[10] In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year.[11][12] Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass.[13] The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined,[14]

                Here are several examples of better batteries. Lithium batteries that power a 1/2 impact wrench on our farm are already much better and relatively cheap and long lasting. We have stopped using an air impact wrench for most jobs as the rechargeable Dewalt works so well and is a lot nicer without an air hose attached. Batteries in your phone. LED lights and rechargable batteries last for a long time.
                All are much improved.

                I will let the rocket scientists figure out how to propel rockets into space. How many rockets do we need in a year? Not very many relative to how much fossil energy is used elsewhere.

                We also used to use coal to power locomotives and farm tractors at one time. But not any more. Diesel and electric are widely used in locomotives.

                Farm tractors are being developed to use electric motors and batteries as well. See John Deere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJOyITolHUk


                  If Sheer keeps talking about reversing marijuana legalization, the Conservatives will get slaughtered at the polls. Can’t they see that marijuana legalization is the platform that Trudeau won the last election on? Good grief, what a bunch!


                    Chuck, you made the preposterous claim that renewable energy employs more people than fossil fuels, yet as of today, renewables are a rounding error when compared to fossil fuel energy, if that miniscule amount already requires more labour, how could it possibly already be cheaper to produce? Something doesn't add up.
                    Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Oct 21, 2018, 11:41.


                      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                      From Bloomberg:
                      "The cost of an average PV plant falls 71% by 2050. Wind energy is getting cheaper too, and we expect it to drop 58% by 2050. PV and wind are already cheaper than building new large-scale coal and gas plants. Batteries are also dropping dramatically in cost. Cheap batteries enable wind and solar to run when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. "
                      Do you actually read (comprehend) the crap you post? "falls 71% by 2050"? Give me a break. Maybe I could accept "fall significantly" but 71%? Why not 83.276? If you're going to spew fiction you might as well go for the gusto. IF - and that's a huge IF - If so-called green energy is going to go anywhere it isn't going to be stored by the battery technology we know today. There are some potential geo-storage solutions which I'm pretty skeptical about but they may mature. Batteries simply aren't going to be the answer.

                      The real green energy is nuclear but all you eco-loons blew your credibility on that subject 30 years ago so you can't very well go there now. If you're really concerned about CO2 emissions we can solve that overnight with proven reliable nuclear technology. The loons won't go there because their real agenda is world socialism.


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