Originally posted by Braveheart
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A chance to act on seed saving/end point royalties etc
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Originally posted by wd9 View PostGenetic Use Restriction Technology (GURTS), aka poorly named terminator, would be great with the elimination of volunteers for crops like canola where seed is bought every year anyway.
[QUOTE=vvalk;393661]Yes that is my argument. You have never gone to a seed grower and picked up a 3 ton of seed. Grow it on 40 or 80 acres to clean seed for the 1500 or 2000 acres and then clean that seed for the next 3-5 years. You expect companies to invest in research with a model like that. No one is forcing you to buy or pay end point rolaties on any seed. Your free to use existing varieties.
I ****en well have at $17/bu
Had to because they deregistered unity , which was working very well on our farm ?
How about the guys that bought a new variety and it was deregistered before they could grow it ? (Cant remember the name but some on here bought it and couldnt even grow it )
Free to use existing varieties , thats a joke? I want to grow unity ????
And the titanium had better protien than the unity , but was a dud for fuz ? So then we shelled out the big money for hughes , yielded lower than the titanium or the unity ?
What about all the public, govt and check off money these breeders get ??
Originally posted by MBgrower View PostDid you ever wonder what would happen if all on farm and commercial stocks had the terminator gene, and there was a big problem with the production of pedigree seed stock that year? The entire planet relying on 4 or 5 companies to produce enough seed each year.
All the whining about no money is because we grow too much - and spend every waking second trying to grow a few more every year compounding the problem thinking if only you could get that new variety that puts out a few more bushels you'll be rich. So put on more fert, more fungicide, more insecticides. You're falling behind......
I don't think there is a huge over production of grains, I bet it is a fairly fine balancing act of alot of hand to mouth buying. As unlikely as it would be, if there was next to zero production for a year what would the stocks to use be, farming101?
Imagine an "impact winter" from a meteor strike. Look how smoke from a forest fire can affect the growing season...now imagine something many times more drastic. Ya right, there's too much grain, it's life's sustenance not something life on earth can survive without.
After all the livestock and grain had been consumed the only thing left is cannibalism, can you imagine the chaos if there was a multi year world famine.
Another comment on the theory of over production....we have been driven to it by the very thing that is causing it...like you said WD9...produce more to pay for the things we use to grow a crop that keep going up in price, a vicious circle...if over production is indeed a reality.
You'd be boiling your old work boots in short order.
92.9 days 2016/17
91.9 days 2017/18
82.4 days 2018/19 (forecast)
The world goes through about 7.175 million tonnes of grain a day
Includes Wheat, Corn, Sorghum, Barley, Oats, Rye, Millet, Mixed grains and milled Rice.
According to USDA
https://www.usda.gov/oce/commodity/wasde/latest.pdf https://www.usda.gov/oce/commodity/wasde/latest.pdf
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