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who wants their checkoff money back?

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    Hey quadtrack...
    Do you notice what's going on here?

    The peasants are getting pissed while you elites think you know better than the rest of us.....

    Not painting us with the same brush but I notice a trend here....maybe call a few of your director buddies to defend their incompetence....

    We wouldn't be discussing this if the board was listening instead of telling....
    Last edited by bucket; Nov 6, 2018, 20:01.


      Originally posted by iceman View Post
      Preach bucket preach

      I would like my pulse check off dollars back. Let’s call it what it is. It’s just another tax that is all.
      Otzi, ironically "levy" is a synonym for tax. Levy doesn't sound as harsh as tax. Maybe calling it an "involuntary .67% tithe" would sound even better.

      Give them some credit for reducing the levy, err tax, by a third. I think there is some value in grower orgs, but they shouldn't lose sight of the people they are supposed to serve.

      I dislike the concept of the trickle down affect(not a very abundant sounding term), where Primary Producers are supposed to "benefit" from the crumbs that get brushed off the "Altar" the rest of the Industry is feasting at.

      But let's be thankful that the fractionation plants will provide another market for "some" pulses. Maybe A&W can resurrect their "plant based protien" burger if there is a large enough supply of ingredients for them to do it.


        Originally posted by bucket View Post
        the leeches living off the primary producers will gladly tell them the money has quit flowing....

        AGT just extracted 100 million out the government on a used rail line with zero performance standards...

        Not to mention AGT's constant government drip of money as businessman of the world....or having partners that are questionable...thats a government handout.

        Or the gift of railcars without lower freight rates....the ****ing railways could just rail those cars to a scrap yard and make money ...thats a government handout.

        What is short sighted is the years of saskpulse and the same people on pulse canada not looking for markets to infill in the event India closes the border...

        But make the saskpulse checkoff refundable ...then you will see if primary producers are happy with Saskpulse direction...and the 1.7 million annually to pulse canada to thumb sit....

        This industry will never be successful if primary producers are not making money...

        What about centennial peas that were a complete dud....

        Just once someone answer the question about the triffid event in flax when it was ultimately the breeders that ****ed it all up...who paid?

        With mandatory checkoffs , whether they can be refunded or not,, comes responsibility ....or maybe that is too far sighted for your comprehension????

        Let’s goto annual meeting in January and pass a motion to change the check off to refundable. If it is past there, what can they do but succumb to the wishes of the producers? If they don’t, we’ll impeach them. 👍


          Pea Protien isolate is the second ingredient, after water, in A&W's "Beyond Meat" burger.

          Ingredients are usually listed in order of most to least volume.

          I believe they process yellows at the fractionation plants. I've seen $7 bids for yellows and some stipulate no preharvest gly., got to wonder if they were headed there. Some plants may require organic peas, I wonder if there would be enough organic pea stocks for those plants if the market really takes off.

          Edit in, I would much rather eat one of those burgers than the pink slime test tube or lab grown meat burgers. I seriously think that is going to be an impossible sell.
          Last edited by farmaholic; Nov 6, 2018, 23:13.


            Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
            Let’s goto annual meeting in January and pass a motion to change the check off to refundable. If it is past there, what can they do but succumb to the wishes of the producers? If they don’t, we’ll impeach them. 👍
            Wouldnt it make more sense to have every pulse grower vote via electronic or mail in ballot than just those attending the AGM.

            What percentage of the other Orgs refundable levy actually gets applied for a refund? I bet it's small.


              If you crazy bastards are proposing a tax revolt because there's legislation requiring producers to pay a levy to a board.... I'm in. **** the ****ing ****ers. I'll supply the torches


                Originally posted by Quadtrack View Post
                As I said not likely anything can be said to change your mind...

                Check some facts tho-the work on feed peas and pea fractions used in vermicelli noodles was done and funded by Pulse Canada-in 2004-when they were importing virtually zero. How many peas did China buy last year? 1.89 mil tonnes from Canada. A lot of effort has gone into protein, fractionation,utilization and incorporation in N A food products. Takes a long time and not everything is successful. But three or four plants in western Canada are built or being built to fraction peas.

                Not every variety is a winner despite the testing and selection leading up to release-I agree. But what about some of the really good ones? Meadow, Amarillo, and Spectrum? All from the same program.

                The scale argument has never made any sense. Unless you only grow a good variety like Meadow on the 200 Ac and grow one you developed yourself on the other 1800.
                Every acre and every tonne benefits. The pissing match of who contributed more is a child’s argument.

                So sorry your glass is always half empty.
                I enjoy your picking of some points. ...really like the scale argument about developing my own variety....tell that to the private label varieties developed for processors that never paid the full development costs and were only grown by selected and connected growers to benefit themselves....that's right checkoff money for a select few....

                Maybe you could comment on who pays for industry **** ups like the flax thing...government quickly imposed testing procedures at producers costs....not one breeder picked up primary producers costs....and saskflax took care of the breeders as opposed to the people they are to represent that pay the checkoff....hint here...the primary producer....

                Pick and choose your highlights of the industry...or call me negative. ....but I will continue to explain the reality of farming to you and the rest of your elite friends. ...it's not all sunshine and lollipops as you would like to describe....maybe because you haven't witnessed the harsh reality of farming yet.....
                Last edited by bucket; Nov 7, 2018, 06:52.


                  But to continue..I can tell you who it is sunshine and lollipops for...

                  1. The new owners of the churchill rail line ...100 million and counting lollipop...

                  2. The railways who were gifted sub scrap priced railcars...and easy double lollipop..

                  3. Any secondary industry with an excuse for government funding....

                  Meanwhile as the people on boards can't see the parallels of ..if you are going to subsidize secondary industries ...you might want to ask on behalf of the primary producers you represent for the same level of funding....

                  When the auto sector was bailed out....cough here because chrysler had theirs written off the other day....Canada helped the sector out proportionately with the US ....to save the sector...

                  So when Canada and farm groups see a US adhoc payment made and doesn't have the sense to ask for the same reasons.....its very disheartening to think farm groups are looking out for primary producers....

                  The US adhoc payment is well over 1.50cdn per bushel on soybeans which has directly impacted the canola price.....that and the shit harvest with high green counts here in Canada...

                  So where are these guys that appoint themselves to the board heads at when they ignore simple facts impacting our markets?????


                    Disclaimer: To date I have never requested checkoff money back....

                    But after the Saskpulse election....cough here....coronation of new directors because others can't see past their nose....I am beginning to understand why we are where we are in this industry with poor prices and movement..

                    Although with the latest penny increase in red lentil prices ...I have to think someone knows something...

                    My checkoff dollars also are used for grainco lobbying for their markets....thats a big lollipop...why....because they don't use their money and they get to know market changes and intelligence before the checkoff contributors..hint here ...primary producers.


                      Originally posted by wiseguy
                      USA grain Farmers 12 billion to deal with tariffs !

                      Western Canadian grain Farmers zero !
                      Don't you find it odd that no board or farm group in Canada has asked for something based on trade tariffs ????

                      OOPS supply management has and they have the commitment for funds already from both federal parties...interesting little factoid...


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