As we just flew back in late last night and yes I said the crop reports were over and I'm working on something for the end of the week here is one last update.
Weather is so much fun this year as the large high pressure breaks down the cold is allowed in over the top to our area or snow comes or rain.
Then it builds back and we get warmer temps. Hell next week what Calgary plus 10 I heard. Snow is gone.
On our farm snow really arrived on Monday and we started playing Tetris and putting stuff away.
Not sure what will happen with combines either new Red ones or Green right now just trying to figure it out.
The Quad track from Case was really nice so maybe Red.
All in our area are still picking bales or finishing up the last of fall work. Either Harrow, Protill, Kelly or Deep tillage or Disc. Its kind of nice to actually be able to get some stuff done for a change. One or two more days and we would have had all quarters cleaned up. Did get to 80% of them so not bad.
Malt is moving so fast in our area it's not even funny. But since Alberta has no Malt they call up the Backup that usually has awesome quality but the further West gets picked first and were rejected for whatever bullshit they can dream up.
Very little crop out all way to Red Deer but lots of fields looked like they were just harvested.
Great time in Alberta even if it was short. Love the Bill Board north of Calgary with Nut Case and Trudeau along the highway. I think she's done.
I am hearing from some in the USA that the Corn has problems with the wet fall and Disease could be interesting.
So be safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop.
Oh, what's up with all the guys selling pans to look at your losses under the combine. If it was dry as a fart you have small canola seeds and guess what nothing you do will keep that shit in. If you have a bunch of combines one of the machines or drivers is throwing over a lot of shit and you don't even know.
But good sales tool cheap cookie sheets and good money for companies.
Have a great week.