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Those capitalists are at it again....

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    JAZZ puts it in a nutshell.
    This country needs equal reps per province in the senate.
    Trudeau knows exactly how to buy votes.
    I like Scheer, not bombastic, steady, a true Canadian, don’t think a “Trump-like” would work here,
    I think we can only support Scheer and try to present unity.
    It has been said “You can fool some of the people all of the time ......etc, etc. “
    Trudeau plays a good game, so far hard to beat.


      The money that the federal government just injected into the oil industry reminds me of that saying --- Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish you feed him for life . . . . but if it's against the law to own fishing tackle or put a line in the water whats the sense. Justin why won't you let the Oil Industry do some fishing and support it' self as opposed to writing huge cheques, logic is wonderful when used properly, to me it's a an easy solution, more pipelines are needed.
      Last edited by rumrocks; Dec 18, 2018, 12:31.


        Not sure the Cons did a rebuild like the Libs did a few years ago.
        Can't yet put my finger on JTs disconnect.
        In his book he talks about the need for our resources to be developed ( to share the wealth), he blames the Cons for inaction. And yet he tries to steer everything through his other tenets.
        Equality of income, gender, the Environment, diversity, multiculturalism.
        The dangers of anything that takes an in his mind, opposite stance.
        His ideals are fine and dandy, but
        life isn't as cut and dryed as he would like. I'm not sure if naive is the right word. But there is something missing alright. Difficult to find the right word.
        Like someone who's never been ground down a little by real life telling us all to click our heels together 3 times and just "believe".


          In reading about this announcement it looks like over$1 billion of it is for loans. Some money to explore market diversification which is a joke because we couldn't get the oil there if we found a new market. There is $55 million for greening of infrastructure. This whole announcement to me looks like a bunch of hot air that amounts to nothing that is going to help Alberta!!!!!


            Just typical Liberals trying to buy votes. Always remember back to 2010? when Mc****y was trying to get reelected in Ontario and wrote every cattleman a subsidy payout cheque for their new livestock risk management program, whether you wanted it or not. I think mine was around $1400. Even the provincial Ag advisors called it vote buying at public forums. The next year, when you were expected to continue with the program, you wrote that cheque back plus a little extra to cover the insurance premium. Many of us were not quite that stupid.


              Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
              OH OH OH OH !!!!!

              I Can answer what all our farm groups do.

              SWEET **** ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              No, that's what you do. Some of the farm organizations work long and hard with minimal resources to represent their members. By the sounds of it you never get involved in the efforts of any farm organization but you're the biggest whiner out there.


                Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                No, that's what you do. Some of the farm organizations work long and hard with minimal resources to represent their members. By the sounds of it you never get involved in the efforts of any farm organization but you're the biggest whiner out there.
                Some stab farmers in the back as well and tell the environment minister that farmers endorse a carbon tax.

                The NFU will be remembered for this cowardly stunt!


                  Representing their members as they should be doing. Isn't that what the posters are seeking?


                    First. ,blame Trudeau, for an Indian tarrif that was applied to every country. Are the Aussie s blaming him too.

                    Then take a stab at the NFU for taking the same stand as the Canadian chamber of commerce on carbon pricing.
                    (Dam commie chamber of commerce, anyway)

                    The same NFU that warned you all where. The seed thing was headed.

                    But not a word about the Harper and Mulroney govt.s that sold us out .in that department.

                    Then throw in a little blame for gay's and bisexuals.
                    How they are ruining our competitiveness in AG.

                    The lack of infrastructure ,rail, pipeline. And our lack of world competitiveness
                    was created by
                    Both major parties total lack of future planning.
                    They are both to blame. No one else .

                    How short are your memory s, , how did the Con.s
                    Improve our world competitiveness. Just the opposite
                    And gutted our supports to boot..

                    Now after a few years of liberals , you have forgotten
                    All that. And we can go back to our comfort zone of blame the Gay's , NFU and socialists
                    And all will be well again .

                    And conservatives and western Canadian wheat growers are again .our salvation. Ya. Right.

                    Divide and conquer still works
                    They are too busy fighting each other to
                    Ever get anywhere.



                      Cant argue your logic...

                      Trudeau had other choices that would have helped this country and would have played out much better...

                      I will say that I think Canada was more together under the Harper era....

                      ....something that Trudeau has done almost singlehandly is divide the country again....

                      That will take time to repair again...


                        Harper seemed to take for granted his western support. he got in and instantly went to go pander to Quebec. I am trying to think of a single policy for the west in ag that would have been on par to what Trudeau does for his supporters and there is none. Maybe that sort of pandering isn't in Canadian Cons DNA but it better start to.

                        He supposedly opened the market with the CWB removal but didn't follow up with any vision or plan. So now we basically sit here doing the same thing without the CWB. Should have just kept it as an option for those who wanted it. if we aren't going to have value added anything then that would have been the best solution. I guess we already had it.



                          "He supposedly opened the market with the CBW removal but didn't follow up with any vision or plan. So now we basically sit here doing the same thing without the CWB. Should have just kept it as an option for those who wanted it. if we aren't going to have value added anything then that would have been the best solution. I guess we already had it."

                          Little to late now, where was that option back in May 2011?


                            Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post

                            Little to late now, where was that option back in May 2011?
                            Just another stone on the road that is prairie agriculture. It is what it is and will always be. Low margin, high risk, govt ignored, raw commodity slavery a long way from customers who usually don't have enough money to buy it.


                              Originally posted by jazz View Post
                              Just another stone on the road that is prairie agriculture. It is what it is and will always be. Low margin, high risk, govt ignored, raw commodity slavery a long way from customers who usually don't have enough money to buy it.
                              This is all true but what else are you going to do? The private sector economy in Canuckistan is more extinct than the T-rex. Unless you have connections into a government job.


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