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Poor atitude on Agriville

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    Poor atitude on Agriville

    It is too bad that it appears that the posters left on Agriville are so negative about just about everything. In the years I have been farming we have had a lot of crappy years but we got through it and farming life is a great life. This past week I was at the Farmer2Farmer conference in Omaha. This was put on by the Farmers business network that I joined this year. There was around 2000 farmers there , probably 90 % US, the rest Canadian. What struck me was the attitude. Our low dollar in Canada has kept us from seeing red ink more so than US farmers in most cases. Many of the US attendees are sitting on a lot of product and the trade war is making things tough. That being said the attitude was not doom and gloom. Are we going to turn the land back to the buffalo? If we are not going to be selling out and do have kids coming up that want to farm, what are we to do? Be the best managers we can be, controlling costs,top third marketers, and so on. The thinking at the meetings was realistic to what we face in today’s agriculture but still very exited and positive about the future. In terms of wealth farmers in the US and Canada literally are in the top percentile among the worlds people.
    As I said its sad that it seems that of the couple dozen main posters here most are extremely negative. When I look down the list of topics almost all are of a negative nature. I would hope that many of you can find something that gives you hope and a better feeling about the industry we are in.

    I would wish all of you a merry Christmas and a happy new year and have good times with family and friends.

    Well James the USA farmer is protected all the way and yes I know as my relatives explain you just watch a bit better and move on.

    The canada you believe in is going down hill.

    Yes I was positive like you once I actually believed a cartoon I seen in a magazine that as a farmer I would be wealthy and control the world with food.


    We’re bottom feeders and the industry that lives off us doesn’t care one bit if we live or die as another young buck will think us old guys are insane and try to replace us till they get old and cranky and realize it was all a big game.

    You play with huge dollars but reality is you sc**** out a living.

    In canada everythjng is for industry and it use to be give farmers just enough so they don’t hang them selves.

    You might call me negative I really don’t give a rats ass.

    I tel the truth it was once profitable when canola was first out and I could grow durum and malt barley. Then came the pulse time and we did ok 👍.

    But now you have a idiot in Ottawa destroying the country and farmers are getting the shaft.

    So yea I wish I could go back to sunny ways but reality is canada is slowly being replaced on the world stage by Russia and Ukraine and South America.

    Stuck in Winnipeg big delays to the south, so a little pissed more than usual.

    Keep believing but I’m guessing if ag keeps the path it is being taken down a lot of young bucks will never retire in the USA or Cayman island or Hawaii or wherever.

    We need young leadership that sees what’s happening and doesn’t fall for free butter up trips etc.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    Agriville is a public forum that most true farmers follow, some times you agree and some times you disagree. Not negative just reality of Ag on the farm. Not some pumped up paid for bullshit.

    Boarding finally.


      I grew up in the 50s-60s,cold war time and then everything was blamed on the sovietunion,now everything is blamed on JT, same shit just different pile


        Let's see ....there is a seed tax and carbon tax soon to be implemented on our farms....

        Then there is the 130 million sitting in CGC coffers and 200 million at the WGRF....farmers money...

        If you like sunshine and lollipops go talk to the WCWGA members....

        BTW when talking to the American farmers did they mention the extra 1.65usd for soybeans from Trump?

        We get American price converted to Canadian without the 2.20cdn subsidy.....

        Maybe you don't realize that our grains are priced our of the states without the direct payments....

        Call me negative.....it's reality...
        Last edited by bucket; Dec 20, 2018, 14:57.


          Thank you for that james. You're right. I've been guilty of negative energy lately as the Seed thing just troubles me.

          You're right that in Canada we've been somewhat spared what happened stateside.

          I'm glad you found some farmers that share your positivity. Good luck.


            I tried to curb the negative waves from Errol and his crude oil thread but he's a tough nut....


              I like to think of myself as positive....My kid wants to farm even with all the challenges....But if you want to do the sunshine and lollipop crap its a disservice to those that want to farm...


                The only ones I ever meet that have a shit-eating farmer grin vomiting sunshine and unicorn piss are those that don't have all their cards in the farm. Some with substantial 6 figure off-farm paycheques, or healthy pensions or loaded with investor backing. The rest are grounded in reality hoping the debt and/or bills don't eat all the equity while government continues to step harder on their toes.


                  James, it sounds like it was an interesting conference.

                  I wouldn’t have been anxious to dish out big greenbacks just to get the warm and fuzzy feeling. I know full well what agriculture is up against and sticking my head in the sand won’t fix anything.

                  Do you think something was accomplished at the conference? If so - what changes/ advances were on the table?

                  Please enlighten us.


                    James I signed up for the FBN seems interesting and like I said I use to be way more positive being in of a f we back years ago that just bought every quarter I found find.

                    But as it get to the end of my farming career lots of the bullshit gets to me.

                    Positive is great but reality is canada is getting left behind it’s a great big world and our costs are going to kill our farms vs South America or Russia or Ukraine


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