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Russia Planning on Bringing 1.2 Million Hectares online Next Year

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    Russia Planning on Bringing 1.2 Million Hectares online Next Year

    This is a summary.

    The long article is in Russian and doesn't translate well.

    Basically, Russia is going to add just about 3 million arable acres next year... A big part of which they are pushing (through subsidies and "incentives") into veggie (****seed, sunflowers, soybeans) oils.

    http://www.blackseagrain.net/novosti/russia-to-take-up-1-2-ml-ha-of-land-for-farming-in-2019 http://www.blackseagrain.net/novosti/russia-to-take-up-1-2-ml-ha-of-land-for-farming-in-2019

    ccording to Russia’s Ag Ministry, 18 MMT of oilseeds were harvested in 2018 against 16.5 MMT a year ago, reports UkrAgroConsult.

    An important role in the implementation of Russia’s export strategy for the coming years is assigned to oilseeds, including soybeans and ****seed.

    It is planned to take up 1.2 Ml ha of land for farming in Russia in 2019 with a projected expansion of the planted areas of some crops, including oilseeds to a significant degree.

    Detailed analysis of the latest trends in oilseeds/vegoils/meals exports, palm oil imports, supply and demand balances with breakdown by crop as well as crop conditions and progress in planting/harvesting in the countries of Black Sea Region is available to subscribers for weekly market report "Black Sea Vegoils" by UkrAgroConsult.

    government supported ...because they know agriculture is a wealth creator for primary producers and by extension for the economy....

    Meanwhile in Canada they leave the wealth to the graincos families....


      Originally posted by bucket View Post
      government supported ...because they know agriculture is a wealth creator for primary producers and by extension for the economy....
      Another well known fact, people who live on the land, tend to be more self sufficient. Some land, water and a bit of work ethic and you can carve out a nice lifestyle. Billions are trying to move into cities in the world only to end up on welfare and addicted. Just think if something like that would be tried here, repopulating the rural instead of everyone hoping the govt takes care of them.


        Canada is in everyone's rear view mirror eating Russia's dust



          Originally posted by jazz View Post
          Another well known fact, people who live on the land, tend to be more self sufficient. Some land, water and a bit of work ethic and you can carve out a nice lifestyle. Billions are trying to move into cities in the world only to end up on welfare and addicted. Just think if something like that would be tried here, repopulating the rural instead of everyone hoping the govt takes care of them.
          Fair share sask? Grant devine did try


            Originally posted by Austranada View Post
            Canada is in everyone's rear view mirror eating Russia's dust

            https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2018/12/19/us/ap-us-organic-fraud-charges.html Missouri Farmer Charged in $140M Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

            We can't even trust domestic organic food. I'd trust Russia's organic output about as much as organic from China. It's not like anybody is testing or can tell the difference. Why are you still posting here? **** off already.


              I thought that was funny too ,
              Russian certified organic food.


                Originally posted by Tucker View Post
                https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2018/12/19/us/ap-us-organic-fraud-charges.html Missouri Farmer Charged in $140M Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

                We can't even trust domestic organic food. I'd trust Russia's organic output about as much as organic from China. It's not like anybody is testing or can tell the difference. Why are you still posting here? **** off already.
                good post tucker
                anyone that believes organic from , mx, China , etc. needs to wake to **** up
                and every month California lettuce needs to be recalled because they put too much animal and human shit on it
                I prefer the glyphos
                Last edited by Guest; Jan 2, 2019, 12:29.


                  On conventional production ,we can only assume nothing but growth from them.
                  Better hope the world's demand grows faster than production.

                  Whether you have right or left wing govt.s in this country.

                  Somebody should have a plan.
                  You sure do not see one , do you?

                  No responsibility here,
                  Rail grain backlog , oil backlog.
                  Ships waiting. Lost opportunity.

                  in Russia. I would imagine
                  You fall out of favor real quick if things do not happen.

                  Oligarchs can't make money off you.
                  Here or there(Grain Co.s transportation)

                  And govt.s can't tax you
                  If you have nothing.

                  I wonder when govt.s and business here will figure that out .


                    Originally posted by Tucker View Post
                    https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2018/12/19/us/ap-us-organic-fraud-charges.html Missouri Farmer Charged in $140M Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

                    We can't even trust domestic organic food. I'd trust Russia's organic output about as much as organic from China. It's not like anybody is testing or can tell the difference. Why are you still posting here? **** off already.
                    Is that how you discuss with your family. Do me a favor and block me please.


                      The FSU is a force to be reckoned today and in the future. I wonder though politically how stable is Russia? Putin keeps control by keeping the oligarchs and mafia under his control or on his side. You hear a lot of these oligarchs have private forces which if instability reigns they would fight for control. Putin is a master of keeping order. If it is such that something happens to him the whole house of cards may fall. Besides much of gains in ag production have come from large corporate farming concerns either foreign or the oligarchs.


                        Originally posted by sawfly1 View Post
                        On conventional production ,we can only assume nothing but growth from them.
                        Better hope the world's demand grows faster than production.

                        Whether you have right or left wing govt.s in this country.

                        Somebody should have a plan.
                        You sure do not see one , do you?

                        No responsibility here,
                        Rail grain backlog , oil backlog.
                        Ships waiting. Lost opportunity.

                        in Russia. I would imagine
                        You fall out of favor real quick if things do not happen.

                        Oligarchs can't make money off you.
                        Here or there(Grain Co.s transportation)

                        And govt.s can't tax you
                        If you have nothing.

                        I wonder when govt.s and business here will figure that out .
                        More dust for your eyes.



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