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    All it takes is a really good graphic to convince people not to buy that terrible beef....

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/food-climate-change-carbon-footprint-1.4930062 https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/food-climate-change-carbon-footprint-1.4930062

    Click image for larger version

Name:	carbon-emissions-from-food.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	74.1 KB
ID:	767010


      When did beef move from a staple to a luxury. Or from a staple to taboo? Where's the middle ground gone?

      We have a fairly diverse diet but I still like beef in it. We were fed beef growing up, it was cultural. I guess society is, or may be, "evolving" away from it.


        Originally posted by wd9 View Post
        All it takes is a really good graphic to convince people not to buy that terrible beef....

        https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/food-climate-change-carbon-footprint-1.4930062 https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/food-climate-change-carbon-footprint-1.4930062

        Click image for larger version

Name:	first-they-came-martin-niemoller.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	79.9 KB
ID:	767011

        Or we could just carry on attacking each other, presenting a divided front, and providing even more ammunition to use against us as they continue to attack our livelihoods.


          Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
          When did beef move from a staple to a luxury. Or from a staple to taboo? Where's the middle ground gone?

          We have a fairly diverse diet but I still like beef in it. We were fed beef growing up, it was cultural. I guess society is, or may be, "evolving" away from it.
          It didn't, and the concept is a lot of wishful thinking, beef consumption Worldwide, continues to rise, and according to the FAO, will grow by 69% by 2050. Many people forget that the world is a much bigger place than our own backyard.




              or try this twitter cant find just a video link


                Originally posted by Robertbarlage View Post
                That's a good graphic Robertbarlage. There must be something worse than psychopathic delusion going on in my neighbourhood as 4 neighbours, on 3 sides of me are running trackhoes almost constantly - taking out the few remaining trees and bushes we have in this flat, windy part of the world. It's environmental hooliganism of the worst kind.


                  Originally posted by Hamloc View Post

                  .....One point you used to defend your support of policies like carbon taxes was that you feel that by supporting environmentalists that they will support the continued production of beef for human consumption, earning social licence......
                  Hamloc I never said any such thing. I support a carbon tax because it makes sense. I would never indulge in appeasement to further personal gain. I will continue to try to educate people that don't understand the positive regenerative role cattle can have in reversing climate change.


                    Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                    That's a good graphic Robertbarlage. There must be something worse than psychopathic delusion going on in my neighbourhood as 4 neighbours, on 3 sides of me are running trackhoes almost constantly - taking out the few remaining trees and bushes we have in this flat, windy part of the world. It's environmental hooliganism of the worst kind.
                    Yup these are the guys that farmers talk about ...if we all agreed to a production cut ...they would try to find every last acre to seed....which is why farmers are ****ed.....

                    even the oil industry gets it.....we don't .....paying a seed tax to produce more while returns per bushel go down.....still waiting for mother nature to stop our own stupidity...


                      Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                      Well that is convenient timing, at least now you won't have to respond to the question about the source of your grossly erroneous CO2 figure in the volcano thread.
                      Not at all, I checked and yes the source I read that fact on when compared to other sources is clearly wrong - apparently by a factor of 100 so likely a case of having the decimal point in the wrong place. The CO2 impact of the world's volcanos is generally reckoned to be in the 0.8-1% range when compared to man's industrial and automative emissions.

                      Now by the same token I'd request that you address the factual inaccuracy that you are constantly making when you claim that there is no negative consequence of increasing CO2 on plants or crops.

                      Here's an article from Scientific American to help you.

                      http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ask-the-experts-does-rising-co2-benefit-plants1/ http://https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ask-the-experts-does-rising-co2-benefit-plants1/


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