Just wondering how often Canada Ag and Food Dept. tests for nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in the various fruits and vegetables we eat mostly bought from farms thousands of miles away especially in the winter months. Information on the internet shows you a list of nutritional values for most produce but how accurate and up to date are these figures, they could be from 1973.
One mineral that we are supposedly short of in our diet is magnesium because the soil in the root zone is depleted from years of growing vegetables. Are vegetable producers in areas like California similiar to grain farmers and just soil test for ph--n--p--s , but maybe why would you add trace minerals if you were not getting paid for it. I don't think they get paid a premium for their spinach if it has higher level of iron or potassium in it.
One mineral that we are supposedly short of in our diet is magnesium because the soil in the root zone is depleted from years of growing vegetables. Are vegetable producers in areas like California similiar to grain farmers and just soil test for ph--n--p--s , but maybe why would you add trace minerals if you were not getting paid for it. I don't think they get paid a premium for their spinach if it has higher level of iron or potassium in it.