As a farmer there are number of things to think about....
1. The seed Tax and lack of details
2. The Carbon tax
3. Lack of representation on above two...
4. The utter waste of taxpayers money without a comprehensive vision of where Canada is going...
AS an average citizen I think about
1. Immigration....illegal or irregular????
2. Bringing Saudi citizens to Canada won't be a political victory for any of us...
3. The divisions that have resurfaced in this country
4. How long to fix number 3
And finally as a Canadian why are we trying so hard to please the rest of the world....we are the youngest country on the planet with some very astonishing achievements ...
to paraphrase from the farmers creed...."I believe my life will be measured ultimately by what I have done for my fellow man, and by this standard I fear no judgment..."
Well as a country we should be fearing no judgement....
This country needs a visionary leader to get us past the petty issues...Trudeau can't do that....
When I think about the friendship Brian Mulroney and the Bush family had.....its quite obvious those two got past the petty issues for the greater good of both countries...
Flame away but there have been better leaders in this country and I wonder where those same type of people are today....even Chretien with his faults was a better PM than Trudeau will ever hope to be....
The seed tax worries me because no one has said anything about who is responsible for another Triffid event in any commodity...
1. The seed Tax and lack of details
2. The Carbon tax
3. Lack of representation on above two...
4. The utter waste of taxpayers money without a comprehensive vision of where Canada is going...
AS an average citizen I think about
1. Immigration....illegal or irregular????
2. Bringing Saudi citizens to Canada won't be a political victory for any of us...
3. The divisions that have resurfaced in this country
4. How long to fix number 3
And finally as a Canadian why are we trying so hard to please the rest of the world....we are the youngest country on the planet with some very astonishing achievements ...
to paraphrase from the farmers creed...."I believe my life will be measured ultimately by what I have done for my fellow man, and by this standard I fear no judgment..."
Well as a country we should be fearing no judgement....
This country needs a visionary leader to get us past the petty issues...Trudeau can't do that....
When I think about the friendship Brian Mulroney and the Bush family had.....its quite obvious those two got past the petty issues for the greater good of both countries...
Flame away but there have been better leaders in this country and I wonder where those same type of people are today....even Chretien with his faults was a better PM than Trudeau will ever hope to be....
The seed tax worries me because no one has said anything about who is responsible for another Triffid event in any commodity...