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Saskatoon seed royalty meeting

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    Originally posted by jazz View Post
    vvalk, if you cant see that our problems in the cereals market have nothing to do with some desperate need to new high yielding varieties subsidized by the farmer, you are lost and I am saddened people like you are supposedly our advocates.

    Answer buckets question, why does a 4cwad sell the same price as a 1cwad? Why did guys get $6 for fusarium infected crap and the top stuff went for just a dollar more? God man, cant you see the disconnect.
    Just because I am having a grand old time with this I will try explaining something again...

    in 2016 I use previous years durum seed and the crop was garbage fusarium infected....it was sold as fast as I could get rid of it....didnt matter if guys sprayed or not ...it was commercial savage....

    In 2017 used the same seed as 2016 as I had leftover....voila ..1cwad

    2018 was 1cwad prior to the 5 week delay....and suddenly commercial savage durum was worth more than a 3cwad....in mid august I could have signed the entire durum crop as 5cwad with 10ppm FUZZ and got more than most guys with 1cwad....it still doesn't make sense.....

    But the question remains....what ****ing R&D does a farmer need to grow 3/4/5cwad that ends up worth more than a 1cwad thats had the groceries poured to it...


      Originally posted by farmaholic View Post

      I can buy vvalk's argument of beneficial advancements made in disease resistance, nitrogen fixation, and maybe some novel traits. So there can be some goals to strive for. But there has to be public acceptance of these goals as well. And I don't want to be the only one paying for these advancements while the rest of the Industry benefits at my "expense". GrainCos and RRs could have more product to handle. ChemCos may have more products to sell. All I ever seem to do is pay and have no way of recouping, at a value I feel fair to me, any of my extra expenses. Every other business seems to get cost plus!!!!!
      I want to legislate elevators have to pay me an EPR on grain i grow and deliver. That way they can pay me so I can develop ways to grow more grain and deliver more. It's win win.


        Originally posted by farmaholic View Post

        I can buy vvalk's argument of beneficial advancements made in disease resistance, nitrogen fixation, and maybe some novel traits. So there can be some goals to strive for. But there has to be public acceptance of these goals as well. And I don't want to be the only one paying for these advancements while the rest of the Industry benefits at my "expense". GrainCos and RRs could have more product to handle. ChemCos may have more products to sell. All I ever seem to do is pay and have no way of recouping, at a value I feel fair to me, any of my extra expenses. Every other business seems to get cost plus!!!!!
        Public good is always on table still to be a Part of the funding


          Originally posted by wd9 View Post
          I want to legislate elevators have to pay me an EPR on grain i grow and deliver. That way they can pay me so I can develop ways to grow more grain and deliver more. It's win win.
          I hear you wd9, and the word I picked up on was, "legislate".


            Originally posted by jazz View Post
            vvalk, if you cant see that our problems in the cereals market have nothing to do with some desperate need to new high yielding varieties subsidized by the farmer, you are lost and I am saddened people like you are supposedly our advocates.

            Answer buckets question, why does a 4cwad sell the same price as a 1cwad? Why did guys get $6 for fusarium infected crap and the top stuff went for just a dollar more? God man, cant you see the disconnect.
            Not sure why you make this comment to me. I have argued with commissions over and over we don’t need to grow more grain ( higher yields) until we can ship now what we grow. Why not spend some commission money to detail how we fix the 5 biggest bottle necks in the systems
            As for arguing about durum right now how does this apply? There isn’t any international buyers right now for durum and we have the highest feed market price in southern Alberta in North America. That’s why the price is the same. I myself will be selling #1 durum Into the feedlots. how does Italy shuttin down imports have to do with this whole thread How many times, all over the world, in the last 20 years has top grade grain sold for the same as feed Happens all the time


              Originally posted by wd9 View Post
              I want to legislate elevators have to pay me an EPR on grain i grow and deliver. That way they can pay me so I can develop ways to grow more grain and deliver more. It's win win.
              Exactly ...someone should be paying me for the use of my land for their super duper varieties just in case I am stuck with any cleanup bills.....


                Originally posted by vvalk View Post
                Not sure why you make this comment to me. I have argued with commissions over and over we don’t need to grow more grain ( higher yields) until we can ship now what we grow. Why not spend some commission money to detail how we fix the 5 biggest bottle necks in the systems
                As for arguing about durum right now how does this apply? There isn’t any international buyers right now for durum and we have the highest feed market price in southern Alberta in North America. That’s why the price is the same. I myself will be selling #1 durum Into the feedlots. how does Italy shuttin down imports have to do with this whole thread How many times, all over the world, in the last 20 years has top grade grain sold for the same as feed Happens all the time
                Then why does the point people at the information meetings talk about research into higher yielding and higher quality in cereals....that was the first question I asked in Saskatoon about qualifying better performing varieties....

                And then later how do you move more crop in a system not prepared for it...mostly because no one in Canada does trend lines like the states....


                  What are the 5 biggest bottlenecks in the system?


                    Why not spend some commission money speaking up against the tsunami of bad information from the organic industry - the consumer will listen if we actually say something.

                    We just sit here with a stupid look on our face and hands in our pockets with millions of farmer levy dollars in "funds" because they have no ideas on how to spend them besides yet another fertilizer trial.


                      Originally posted by Rareearth View Post
                      What are the 5 biggest bottlenecks in the system?
                      1. Closing of functional elevators or not updating them....forcing other elevators to handle more and at higher cost to producers.

                      2. West coast at close to 2 million tonnes of vessels waiting....

                      3. The west coast can't load in the rain...

                      4. The mountains....and yet the europeans can core through mountains on a regular basis....

                      5. Lots of space on prairie farms but commercial storage hasn't grown with the increase in production...just because farmers have built storage doesn't move the crop any faster...grain has to be positioned to a railway to move faster....

                      6. Grain that is graded on the prairies is re graded at the coast ...even within the same company ...thats stupid and not really sure how grain can change grade between prairie elevator and the west coast within the confines of a rail car????????

                      Not sure if that answers it but I tried....
                      Last edited by bucket; Jan 19, 2019, 14:57.


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