Originally posted by jazz
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in 2016 I use previous years durum seed and the crop was garbage fusarium infected....it was sold as fast as I could get rid of it....didnt matter if guys sprayed or not ...it was commercial savage....
In 2017 used the same seed as 2016 as I had leftover....voila ..1cwad
2018 was 1cwad prior to the 5 week delay....and suddenly commercial savage durum was worth more than a 3cwad....in mid august I could have signed the entire durum crop as 5cwad with 10ppm FUZZ and got more than most guys with 1cwad....it still doesn't make sense.....
But the question remains....what ****ing R&D does a farmer need to grow 3/4/5cwad that ends up worth more than a 1cwad thats had the groceries poured to it...