"The perpetrators (likely) had no violent intentions, no firearms, weren't intending to steal or damage property, and had no criminal records. If police couldn't (or wouldn't) prosecute that crime, then how can they justifiably try to prosecute every rural victim of crime in an area any time a theft in progress is ended by vigilante justice, if none of the victims are willing to testify against each other?
All that would be required is to have as many locals as possible on scene armed with their appropriate calibre firearms, all waiting when the police arrive."
Why not take it a step further and have all the farmers at the scene with the guns all fire at once at the perpetrators. None of them would ever feel guilty of killing some young drunk teenager who made their first mistake in life because nobody would know who's bullet actually killed the perpetrator(s).
As for all farmers in the prairies thinking your's and Parsley's idea is good one, let's take a poll here on Agriville and see how many are willing to agree with your statements.
We both could be surprised in the results!
"The perpetrators (likely) had no violent intentions, no firearms, weren't intending to steal or damage property, and had no criminal records. If police couldn't (or wouldn't) prosecute that crime, then how can they justifiably try to prosecute every rural victim of crime in an area any time a theft in progress is ended by vigilante justice, if none of the victims are willing to testify against each other?
All that would be required is to have as many locals as possible on scene armed with their appropriate calibre firearms, all waiting when the police arrive."
Why not take it a step further and have all the farmers at the scene with the guns all fire at once at the perpetrators. None of them would ever feel guilty of killing some young drunk teenager who made their first mistake in life because nobody would know who's bullet actually killed the perpetrator(s).
As for all farmers in the prairies thinking your's and Parsley's idea is good one, let's take a poll here on Agriville and see how many are willing to agree with your statements.
We both could be surprised in the results!