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Thieves Raiding Farms

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    Oh , btw , we both are out working jobs to pay more taxes to pay for these fukin low life criminals to get free money from the government to do *** all but go steal from the tax payers that pay for the welfare !!! Nice fukin system 🙄.
    Ohhhh , but on top of that we need to pay carbon tax to even out the wealth on the hard work we already do ..
    it’s fukin insanity.
    Just so joe pot head in Vancouver can ride his bike to work and get a check from the Liberals off our hard work .
    Anyway , end of rant .

    Canada’s future is in serious trouble is all I know . Who will be left to pay for all the social programs ??????
    The wealth creating industries are being crushed , middle class is going to be taxed to death on climate change and social programs for nothing .... where is the funding going to come from ??? Easy question... and I will bet absolutely zero credible answer from anyone.
    Without natural resources, this country is screwed.
    Solar power, geo thermal and / or green energy create zero wealth for the nation .
    They are important, absolutely, but they will create zero wealth that this nation desperately needs because we have far to many government dependence in our population.
    I just can’t understand how people in general don’t understand these simple facts .


      They have been told the simple facts are that the carbon tax is going to cost the 4 cents/Ltr and they get $200 more back than they spend.

      See it over and over again in all MSM.

      What about the small outfits that they work for that have 30K power bill?

      All the small trucking outfits going up and down the road trying to make a go.

      Will they get more than they send in or just shut down before they adapt?

      When has the Government taking a bigger slice ever helped the economy?


        Originally posted by shtferbrains View Post
        They have been told the simple facts are that the carbon tax is going to cost the 4 cents/Ltr and they get $200 more back than they spend.

        See it over and over again in all MSM.

        What about the small outfits that they work for that have 30K power bill?

        All the small trucking outfits going up and down the road trying to make a go.

        Will they get more than they send in or just shut down before they adapt?

        When has the Government taking a bigger slice ever helped the economy?
        Ahhh ... the $200 / month that will keep them from bankruptcy.... as pointed out by MSM a few days ago .... slick . “The Majority of Canadians are $200 / month from being insolvent “ hmmmm .
        Keep the dog paddle going I guess .



          Scary stuff



            "I detest people who judge those of us that go through this yearly that have absolutely no fukin clue on the adversity it causes at home .
            It covers almost every farm in the area now BTW you ignorant fuks ."

            In no way was I doubting rural crime, or minimalizing what you personally are going through on your farm or any other farmer.

            My my grievance was against Parsley and Ab5 suggesting vigilantism against the thieves, intruders, joyriders, and drunk teenagers who are trespassing on the farmers property. I was just pointing out the sever consequences that a farmer could face taking matters into their own hands. Whether the farmers actions were justified or not.

            Case in point Gerald Stanely, I in no way am judging his actions, and may or may not have acted in the same matter as he did. I do know my life would never be the same if I took someone else's life. Even if it was justifiable, not to mention my family having to suffer as well.

            I hope this clears if up for you Furrow.


              Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post

              Scary stuff
              If people would just start using their heads and quit spending like drunken sailors just because stupid banks and credit companies keep giving them unlimited funds.

              Sooner or later people must realize you just can "keep up with the Jones's".

              As a young person, I couldn't get a loan unless I had a minimum of 25% down and often that wasn't enough. Today people are granted unlimited finances with $0 down. The system cannot function any longer.

              Canada is no better off that any other country. Those with savings in cash is probably the worst thing you could ever have because the other side of the fence will never be able to repay allowing that savers to be able to use their money.

              Having land, residential property and even vehicles is most likely better.


                As far as the general topic of this post, until we (farmers, police etc) start shooting back this will never get better. There is no respect for the law by those that commit the crimes and police cannot keep up.

                A 3 strike rule and then Capital punishment is the solution as far as I am concerned. What has been done for the last 200 years is not working anymore.

                Its not right to say but I will say it, when the RCMP shoot back and the criminal dies, there is no person left to commit a crime anymore.


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