Survey says...thanks farmers
Canadian farmers will seed more wheat, barley and canola in 2019/20, according to the first supply/demand tables from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for the upcoming crop year, released Jan. 25, 2019. The government agency forecasts all-wheat acres rising to 25.056 million, from 24.891 million the previous year. Of that total, durum seedings are forecast to drop to 4.645 million, from 6.185 million. However, excluding durum, wheat plantings should rise by roughly two million acres, to 20.411 million. Using average yields, total wheat production for 2019/20 is forecast at 33.000 million tonnes, which compares with the 31.769 million tonne crop grown in 2018/19. Barley area is forecast to increase by 400,000 acres, to 6.919 million acres. Production for 2019/20 is pegged at 8.899 million, which would be up by about 500,000 tonnes on the year. Planted canola area for 2019/20 is forecast at 23.104 million acres, which compares with the 22.813 million seeded for the current marketing year. Canola production is forecast at 20.500 million tonnes. Total canola ending stocks are pegged at 2.300 million tonnes, which is in line with the 2018/19 estimate, but slightly below the 2017/18 carryout of 2.506 million tonnes. Pea acres are forecast to hold relatively steady on the year, at 3.608 million acres. However, lentil area is forecast to be down by about 400,000 acres, to 3.336 million. January estimates for Canadian 2019/20 (Aug/Jul), 2018/19 (Aug/Jul) and 2017/18 major crops supply and demand. In million metric tonnes
Canadian farmers will seed more wheat, barley and canola in 2019/20, according to the first supply/demand tables from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for the upcoming crop year, released Jan. 25, 2019. The government agency forecasts all-wheat acres rising to 25.056 million, from 24.891 million the previous year. Of that total, durum seedings are forecast to drop to 4.645 million, from 6.185 million. However, excluding durum, wheat plantings should rise by roughly two million acres, to 20.411 million. Using average yields, total wheat production for 2019/20 is forecast at 33.000 million tonnes, which compares with the 31.769 million tonne crop grown in 2018/19. Barley area is forecast to increase by 400,000 acres, to 6.919 million acres. Production for 2019/20 is pegged at 8.899 million, which would be up by about 500,000 tonnes on the year. Planted canola area for 2019/20 is forecast at 23.104 million acres, which compares with the 22.813 million seeded for the current marketing year. Canola production is forecast at 20.500 million tonnes. Total canola ending stocks are pegged at 2.300 million tonnes, which is in line with the 2018/19 estimate, but slightly below the 2017/18 carryout of 2.506 million tonnes. Pea acres are forecast to hold relatively steady on the year, at 3.608 million acres. However, lentil area is forecast to be down by about 400,000 acres, to 3.336 million. January estimates for Canadian 2019/20 (Aug/Jul), 2018/19 (Aug/Jul) and 2017/18 major crops supply and demand. In million metric tonnes