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Situation in Venezuela

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    Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
    Big wheel every day you tell us how bad it is in Saskatchewan under the Sask party and I say the NDP was awful, Yes the Saskparty has been in for a long time but look to Alberta and that's what Sask would be under the NDP only worse. THen look to BC that's how you want it.

    Your farm would be their farm and you would have to follow the rules of the Green NDP. All would be for city workers. etc.

    Again explain how the NDP would be such a great fix for Saskatchewan I'm all ears.

    Yes, parties do stupid stuff and yes brad and the boys did some really stupid stuff but look at the alternative, Ryan and the NDP. Wow, can you say with a straight face that would help us?
    You bitch and complain about the NDs all the time when you should be looking at what your chosen party is doing,quit turning a blind eye and ask what in hell they are doing,I dont know much about sask politics but by what I read on here its no different than anywhere else.
    As for the NDs in alta tell what they have done that is so bad,most of the crap I see was in place when the cons left,and I may add ,with a smokeing trail from the paper shredders,please enlighten me as you seem to know all??


      Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
      I agree the Ndp lost touch with agriculture. When we talk about who's good and who's bad I m on a farmer forum so I m speaking about what the sask party has meant for farming.

      Crop insurance is worse and more expensive wasn't it supposed to be cheaper and better? We're we not promised grip to return?

      Land taxes acre up for many reasons one is increased use by other industries oil and gas causing strain on rms so as a farmer I m paying again.

      Has the sask party spoke up about seed taxes?

      Pst on everything we buy hasn't helped me has it helped you? Do we not as farmers contribute a whack of money to rhat tax? Why do we have that tax? I don't want the toilet bowl stadium or rhe bypasses that don't make sense only to have a tax on it. Oil was supposed to pay for rhat.

      Land rents for other farmers are higher than the private sector. That shouldn't be.
      That's a deal broken no different than getting rid of grip a deal is a deal.

      Livestock loan guarantee gone young neighbors just into cattle said they don't know what they will do now they need that program. Banks won't let them expand without it.

      Have they said anything about abandoned rail lines and the movement of terminals that led to jncreased cost for us?

      Input costs have they done anything about the cost of fertilizer which is way out of whack so are chemicals.

      Gas tax?

      Closed hospitals and destroyed roads at least where we are anyway. You die to get to the city and we arent that far. Can't imagine people that live further.

      Input capital buddies is that a solution to the land price problem or a shitty crop insurance or too high of farm costs? And who are those people do you not know the story of who bought land and new rhe land was going to be opened up by new land rules?who made millions on that insider deal? And where it has led?

      Are we not an agriculture based province? So why hasn't our ag department made attempts at trade deals etc? Why isn't there a global hub deal for agriculture?

      Should I continue?
      If the ndp where still in power there would be no roads. If I remember right they where the ones that moved everything from small town to the cities. One of the past Ndp leaders ended up being the largest land holders in Saskatchewan hmm I wonder how that happened.


        Originally posted by jimmy View Post
        If the ndp where still in power there would be no roads. If I remember right they where the ones that moved everything from small town to the cities. One of the past Ndp leaders ended up being the largest land holders in Saskatchewan hmm I wonder how that happened.
        Well that could be , but there are some very large farms in Ole Billy Boys area as well ... just sayin .
        There are to many in politics that pad their own pockets and their buddies in every party I have ever seen .

        What going on in Venezuela used to be an extreme example of this , but it is all too common now unfortunately .


          The ndp ran Sask like the mafia.

          Yes I lived here and worked.

          It was perfect if you believed the manifesto and followed it.

          The ones in charge became wealthy.

          Kept and wanted the population low.

          They hated rural

          Loved unions.

          Oh it was so good!

          Ha ha ha


            Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
            Well that could be , but there are some very large farms in Ole Billy Boys area as well ... just sayin .
            There are to many in politics that pad their own pockets and their buddies in every party I have ever seen .

            What going on in Venezuela used to be an extreme example of this , but it is all too common now unfortunately .
            And that's all I m pointing out. To say one or the other is so much better is laughable.


              When you leave even the best of governments in too long they get where we are now. They do not listen or care about who put them there. They have enough people bought off they feel the rest doesn't matter.


                Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
                And that's all I m pointing out. To say one or the other is so much better is laughable.
                And I agree, any solutions?


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                  The ndp ran Sask like the mafia.

                  Yes I lived here and worked.

                  It was perfect if you believed the manifesto and followed it.

                  The ones in charge became wealthy.

                  Kept and wanted the population low.

                  They hated rural

                  Loved unions.

                  Oh it was so good!

                  Ha ha ha
                  Exactly what happened here under the cons,except mabey loved unions,but they paid them the best in canada, they could ignore rural because for some reason unknown to man rural votes con no matter what they do.
                  Sorry cant see any difference between partys,except our own biasi.


                    Originally posted by jimmy View Post
                    And I agree, any solutions?
                    There is no easy solution there kinda is a big political machine in place with only 2 options right now. I don't care for the Ndps past either. But the worst thing to do is say how great the saskparty has been when in my opinion they haven't been on both fronts the integrity front or the ag policy front.

                    If things were the way they should be us farmers should have a way to express our concerns to these people but there is no way and if there was would they listen?
                    I think not they're too controlled and focused on proving the oil industry is all they need.
                    The Ndp don't even mention agriculture even though there are so many issues they could be bringing up so yes what do we do?

                    The farm groups are too politically intertwined with their favourite people that all they really are is media control also for their controllers.

                    How do we get a farm group to be formed with less ties to actually discuss these issues more openly?


                      Sask has a Conservative party and it isn’t the sask party.


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