This thread will denegrate apologies mods.
1 not a cut and paste my take from tv media last night radio today.
2 i am not expert trying to convey the decision as i understood it.
3 try to hear both sides of things wether i agree or not bit like my personality balanced, i have a chip on both shoulders.
Anyway a court here in australia yesterday ruled a mining project, coking coal, said the "percieved dire consquences" of the projects effect on glabal pollution levels. So one judge opinion canned this project, what if it was a "right" leaning judge all in the perception eh.
Apparently first time in australia or the world a project has been stopped because of impact on global warming. Plenty of projects been stopped in the past because of enviornmental concerns habitat forest waterways undergrund water etc but this in the next step up.
It was going to produce 2.5 million tonne of coking coal a year. Owned by a german company. The increase to global warming is two fold one the mining operation its self and two the steel manufactures who import the coal from australia to make steel presumably china and Eu. Was going to be world class standard in terms of operation cleand and green doubt it but best possible practice as it was i think open cut.
Currently there are $100 billion worth of projects in aust to come up for review over next 6 months they are now at risk or worse they my just pack up there bat and ball and go elsewere.
Other thing 2018 coal for the first time topped australian export dollars beating iron ore for first time and also australia pipped indonesia for world biggest coal exporter.
Australia coking coal is nemero uno best quality in the world meaning less coal to produce same amount of steel. So importes have oh well we will just go elsewere indonesia which basically has third world mining standards.
Green groups australia and world wide have applauded the decsion. Aust green politicians have said its a utter disgrace that coal and iron are out biggest export earners in dollar terms so not sure what they want us to export.
Same pollies have they will not stop until there is no coal oil gas gold copper iron ore uranium mining forestry in australia full stop. Not sure what there gonna build house from roads schools etc etc.
So we expect more of these decisions to come, if australia is the first "commodity exporter" to fall other countries who rely on such income will follow.
If there was a viable option it would be ok.
The judge came out who made the decision and said "this decision does not set a precedence" i find that hard to swallow.
But in saying that a court ruling by same judge a few months ago was asked to overturn a mining propasal but ruled in favour of the mines.
So its a conundrum for miners here in aust. And were sitting on squillions of resources.
And not sure who the govt bank account would look without royalties and gst from minerals and oil and gas etc etc.
End of rant sorry for boring you with my crap.
Oh and ps there no talk of a court challenge from the company involved yet.
pps sure there spelling errors grammer police easier to understand than a boring cut and paste
1 not a cut and paste my take from tv media last night radio today.
2 i am not expert trying to convey the decision as i understood it.
3 try to hear both sides of things wether i agree or not bit like my personality balanced, i have a chip on both shoulders.
Anyway a court here in australia yesterday ruled a mining project, coking coal, said the "percieved dire consquences" of the projects effect on glabal pollution levels. So one judge opinion canned this project, what if it was a "right" leaning judge all in the perception eh.
Apparently first time in australia or the world a project has been stopped because of impact on global warming. Plenty of projects been stopped in the past because of enviornmental concerns habitat forest waterways undergrund water etc but this in the next step up.
It was going to produce 2.5 million tonne of coking coal a year. Owned by a german company. The increase to global warming is two fold one the mining operation its self and two the steel manufactures who import the coal from australia to make steel presumably china and Eu. Was going to be world class standard in terms of operation cleand and green doubt it but best possible practice as it was i think open cut.
Currently there are $100 billion worth of projects in aust to come up for review over next 6 months they are now at risk or worse they my just pack up there bat and ball and go elsewere.
Other thing 2018 coal for the first time topped australian export dollars beating iron ore for first time and also australia pipped indonesia for world biggest coal exporter.
Australia coking coal is nemero uno best quality in the world meaning less coal to produce same amount of steel. So importes have oh well we will just go elsewere indonesia which basically has third world mining standards.
Green groups australia and world wide have applauded the decsion. Aust green politicians have said its a utter disgrace that coal and iron are out biggest export earners in dollar terms so not sure what they want us to export.
Same pollies have they will not stop until there is no coal oil gas gold copper iron ore uranium mining forestry in australia full stop. Not sure what there gonna build house from roads schools etc etc.
So we expect more of these decisions to come, if australia is the first "commodity exporter" to fall other countries who rely on such income will follow.
If there was a viable option it would be ok.
The judge came out who made the decision and said "this decision does not set a precedence" i find that hard to swallow.
But in saying that a court ruling by same judge a few months ago was asked to overturn a mining propasal but ruled in favour of the mines.
So its a conundrum for miners here in aust. And were sitting on squillions of resources.
And not sure who the govt bank account would look without royalties and gst from minerals and oil and gas etc etc.
End of rant sorry for boring you with my crap.
Oh and ps there no talk of a court challenge from the company involved yet.
pps sure there spelling errors grammer police easier to understand than a boring cut and paste