First canola is a positive crop that makes farmers the best return. Second for us is wheat then malt and finally the shit the bed crop is peas.
Peas are bad because of the shit show with India and a 50% tariff that Trudeau danced and did nothing. Our pulse boards also left us as they studied and what could they do attitude.
So liberals screwed up one crop we will survive but now China and little potato have a problem it is all about politics and the ones who will again get screwed are Canadian farmers.
Don’t be fooled the USA is almost ready with China to have a deal and soy farmers will be smiling for years.
If we are on the outs with China it isn’t good.
So now we’re ready to start planning or finishing our plans for 2019 seeding plans. Canola is about half our crop.
Yes if we do get a great crop again at the lower price it will make money but throw the what if’s in the mix or low yield 40 or less and the costs of canola vs hrs or malt just don’t cut it.
Fert is equal cost but yes canola takes more to hit the bigger yields. Sprays fungicides similar.
But seed costs are the place so far that doesn’t balance out for canola.
Wheat and barley after the seed tax comes to be will create a similar costs as farmers switch from growing small amounts of certified seed and seed tax to just ordering all their seed spcertified. That’s the final out come so seed companies win and seed growers get sales.
So young farmers look at the big picture your being played.
Canola like I said is out to lunch. Will they adjust seed prices to fit the new reality, hahahhahahahahahah not a f$&king chance. They will spout commercials of high yield. Brainwashed farmers trying for the 100 bus club it’s more than just expensive seed it’s a combination and still if they hit it on some fields eventually doing it on 5000 to 50000 acres can’t be hit. It’s a experiment.
Then finally Mother Nature still controls the out come.
So in today’s world Canola will be in rotations but less than 30 bus crop your losing money.
My boys said they seen a gopher at home so this snow bird is starting to stretch his wings and soon head north. Our cleaner will be humming when I hit home for maybe the last time thanks to the seed tax.
Canola a costly crop that makes all connected with the seed a fortune.