WesternVicki is correct it is time for us to have one single voice for us as primary producers. The question is how to do that, can we take an already established entity such as APAS and with some tweaking turn it into a Farm Bureau. The only reason I use APAS as an example is because it seems to me to be an organization that represents all areas of ag, not just specific commodities. If one organization had all the money that is now collected in all of the checkoff dollars there would be enough to hire policy writers, lawyers and good lobbyists so that we had one unified voice in Ottawa.
On a quick side note I went to a spray clinic put on by Coreteva, ( or whatever they are called this week), at a local RME dealership, so of course they have a new sprayer there to show off. What I am getting at is there was off course the store manager and the sales men, but on top of that there was the sprayer product specialist, the software specialist, and about 4 more people related to the sprayer division. Even I am old enough to remember when there was a salesman and the blockman. SF3 is right the amount of jobs that are directly attributed to us as producers is staggering. Now as he would say some of those jobs are parasitic, and I would believe he is right.
On a quick side note I went to a spray clinic put on by Coreteva, ( or whatever they are called this week), at a local RME dealership, so of course they have a new sprayer there to show off. What I am getting at is there was off course the store manager and the sales men, but on top of that there was the sprayer product specialist, the software specialist, and about 4 more people related to the sprayer division. Even I am old enough to remember when there was a salesman and the blockman. SF3 is right the amount of jobs that are directly attributed to us as producers is staggering. Now as he would say some of those jobs are parasitic, and I would believe he is right.