If every single farmer woke up and realized what the hell is happening to Agriculture in Canada they soon would unite instead of this me against them.
If every guy phoned next Friday and cancelled 1/3 of the canola seed they need with a statement we are done with this shit of expensive everything it wouldn't take long for the big boys to phone Ottawa and say dip shit you need to address the situation.
But as long as stupid farmers think they are so smart and pick each other apart nothing will change.
Totally shut down won't be settled till after fall and USA will have a deal before that we will get what little china feels it needs to take. Basically nothing.
The USA wins Canada and our dip shit loose.
So yea I could go.
3000 canola down 2000
6000 HRS up
500 peas flat
500 barley flat.
If every guy phoned next Friday and cancelled 1/3 of the canola seed they need with a statement we are done with this shit of expensive everything it wouldn't take long for the big boys to phone Ottawa and say dip shit you need to address the situation.
But as long as stupid farmers think they are so smart and pick each other apart nothing will change.
Totally shut down won't be settled till after fall and USA will have a deal before that we will get what little china feels it needs to take. Basically nothing.
The USA wins Canada and our dip shit loose.
So yea I could go.
3000 canola down 2000
6000 HRS up
500 peas flat
500 barley flat.