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Happy days ahead

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    Happy days ahead

    Absolutely loving watching the Liberals tear each other apart. Later today, recordings, or transcripts of recordings will be released to the public involving JWR and some unknown people. Fingers crossed - please, please let it be Turdeau.

    And then the Liberal battalion is forming and calling to arms their members to expel JWR and Phillpot from caucus next week. While some are saying, no, no, don't throw them out - it will cost us the female vote.

    Rip each other apart you Liberal scum. Notice that the budget barely made a blip for a couple days. You cannot change the channel.

    Happy days ahead indeed.

    loving every minute of it !


      While its entertaining it still doesn't address the fact that Canada is going socialist. Sheer is the benefit of good luck and nobody else to vote for, but the policies sound like they are not resonating with more people. Canadians are wed to the govt.


        Canada moving toward socialism is right. After the smoke clears from the liberal fire minority n.d.p. gov maybe. Growing number of far left radical protesters at his town halls.


          MPs have it all wrong thinking they can tell people what to think about....the fundamental problem with politics is the politicians think I work for them..they are sadly mistaken.


            Sunny days my friends sunny days!


              Well that recording was a doozie! If you didn't hear the full 17 minutes of the phone call, make sure you try and find it online. Public clear proof to everyone that Turdeau, Butts and Wernick all lied to Canadians on live TV. I figured they were lying when they weren't put to oath by the Liberals in the justice inquiry meetings.

              This is better than Christmas!


                Interesting so the Liberal caucus turf JWR and JP and face a backlash plus prove they are siding with the unethical PM and PMO or continue to face a death by a thousand bites.

                Soundbites that is.

                Not saying expelling them from the party would change the channel either. Looks like a no win situation.


                  Again this make no sense at all. Why go to all this trouble and legal risk for this company? He could have stoked it a cheque from the treasury for billions of dollars. He could have even paid another company to move to Montreal in its place. he has the power of hundreds of billions of dollars at his disposal and decided to do this instead? Why risk jailtime for votes? There is no reason at all to do this unless something even deeper is being covered up.
                  Last edited by jazz; Mar 29, 2019, 16:23.


                    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


                      Well I didn’t know it was legal to tape someone without first telling them you were especially if you were going to play it somewhere?
                      She had a very scripted response almost campaign like.
                      I don’t really think that tape changes any bodies mind he actually was very careful especially not aware it was taped his answer are more real his argument still the same he’s telling her there is a new law that she can use she refuses to use it. I don’t agree at all with that law but if there ever was a time it could be used a company with 9,000 people’s jobs. Wouldn’t it be this?

                      What I’d like her to provide is all her taped conversations and others taped conversations of her regarding what she’s done or wanted on the native file. Then we could really judge how good and honest she is. Wonder how many have forgot her comments on the Stanley trial?

                      I agree there must be a whole lot more to this story other wise this is really being over blown. Not that I m not enjoying it though!!! Lol
                      Last edited by the big wheel; Mar 29, 2019, 16:55.


                        JWR will no doubt get some blowback over the ethics of taping Wernick. Its gonna be tough to make anything stick to her though because her version of events when she testified at the Justice committee was 100% confirmed by the tape. Wernick --- not so much.

                        I agree she's a whackadoo. But she's not a liar. The other players in this drama are transparently dishonest. Anyone who thinks this is going away is living in lala land. I have complete faith in the PMO's ability to continue to mismanage this file right into electoral defeat. The only way out is for sock boy to come clean, cry on national TV and admit he did wrong. There's enough nitwit voters in the country to forgive him and move on if he did that immediately but my money is on him continuing to stonewall. Its a long time until October but the momentum is in the right direction.


                          Here ya go

                          https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/03/29/news/new-audio-phone-call-reveals-jody-wilson-rayboulds-warning-about-snc-lavalin https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/03/29/news/new-audio-phone-call-reveals-jody-wilson-rayboulds-warning-about-snc-lavalin


                            ............the tip of the iceberg!


                              Originally posted by wd9 View Post
                              Here ya go

                              https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/03/29/news/new-audio-phone-call-reveals-jody-wilson-rayboulds-warning-about-snc-lavalin https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/03/29/news/new-audio-phone-call-reveals-jody-wilson-rayboulds-warning-about-snc-lavalin
                              Nope, no pressure there!!!!

                              EVERYBODY NEEDS TO HEAR THAT AUDIO CLIP

                              Thanks wd9


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