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Over 100 Vegans storm ranch and terrorize,,,Australia QLD

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    Over 100 Vegans storm ranch and terrorize,,,Australia QLD

    Cattle & Sheep ranchers and grass farmers take heed,,,

    we've been telling you, they're coming for you!

    This happened in Australia,

    Over 100 vegans have illegally stormed a Queensland cattle farm and terrorised a local farmer and his family.

    https://www.2gb.com/i-dont-think-i-can-recall-a-worse-story-than-this-farmer-terrorised/ https://www.2gb.com/i-dont-think-i-can-recall-a-worse-story-than-this-farmer-terrorised/

    There is a 14 min audio when you scroll lower, from a radio broadcaster reporting on it, with interview of rancher.
    Worth the time to listen too.

    Did they have gun confiscation in Australia?

    This is totally sick what happened.

    But in the USA if a group vandalized a farm boom some one would have died. Guess what problem solved. Sorry for offending some but this shit doesn’t happen down there.

    I stopped for a picture and stepped foot on a guys road and got asked what the f$&@ was I doing. After I explained I am a farmer from canada and just curious he calmed down and we had a great chat. But I have a new respect for property right.

    In canada we have no property rights.


      B/S propaganda at Universities don’t help
      At UofR .... enviro wackos are going after all Ag , so yes we all better pay attention..

      In the front lobby ...


        Nothing to worry about, grass farmer has assured us that all we need is a carbon tax and a methane tax on cows and we will have al the social license we need to carry on business as usual, and the anti-everything crowd will leave us alone from then on. So, be a patriot, and support higher taxes.


          Yup take the guns then get overrun by the zombies 🧟*♂️..
          I would love to see them zombies try thatin Montana


            But at least the science is settled on methane emissions:

            https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/03/30/methane-warming-exaggerated-by-400/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/03/30/methane-warming-exaggerated-by-400/

            They were only wrong by 400%. But lets go ahead and destroy another industry in the name of global warming without any accurate clue about the climate sensitivity or net effects of methane from cattle.


              Somehow this thread has got derailed into tax debate climate change not sure why or how any way heres another link

              https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/rural-weekly/lemontree-farmer-speaks-out-they-called-us-calf-killers/news-story/3af02dc09bf69d52dc10a7c1cfc777cf?fbclid=IwAR2_edLs im51Zn1BCzBYJea3RDLzZOO8AxdjfHaDj5RbzQ53dT20DgaCQ5 M https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/rural-weekly/lemontree-farmer-speaks-out-they-called-us-calf-killers/news-story/3af02dc09bf69d52dc10a7c1cfc777cf?fbclid=IwAR2_edLs im51Zn1BCzBYJea3RDLzZOO8AxdjfHaDj5RbzQ53dT20DgaCQ5 M


                Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
                Somehow this thread has got derailed into tax debate climate change not sure why or how.....
                Chance to attack me seems to be the usual reason. Not sure why - it's not as if I'm not aware of the anti-livestock and vegan threats. I've been aware of them and fighting them for 30 years in one form or another. Close friends that are direct marketers had their business under attack a couple of years ago by vegans - lots of time spent deleting offensive comments and threats on their social media. Threatening phone calls left at all hours of day and night - lots of stress and unnecessary worry caused for about 3 weeks before they moved on to another target. Ultimately it boosted their sales as people rallied around to support them and drew in more friends and new customers through social media. We can only fight back by educating - shooting them certainly isn't the answer.

                Malle I'm sure you could find a croc farm to direct the clowns in this case to?


                  Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                  Chance to attack me seems to be the usual reason. Not sure why - it's not as if I'm not aware of the anti-livestock and vegan threats. I've been aware of them and fighting them for 30 years in one form or another. Close friends that are direct marketers had their business under attack a couple of years ago by vegans - lots of time spent deleting offensive comments and threats on their social media. Threatening phone calls left at all hours of day and night - lots of stress and unnecessary worry caused for about 3 weeks before they moved on to another target. Ultimately it boosted their sales as people rallied around to support them and drew in more friends and new customers through social media. We can only fight back by educating - shooting them certainly isn't the answer.

                  Malle I'm sure you could find a croc farm to direct the clowns in this case to?
                  Bullshit if the first two or three where shot when they stepped foot on this guys land it likely wouldn’t happen again. These fools will get a slap on the wrist and there will twice as many doing it next week. Everyone should have the right to protect his property from this bullshit.


                    Not attacking you, I was responding to the magazine cover which was posted above. You are on the record on agriville as supporting a methane tax on cattle. Perhaps I paraphrased why you supported nd unsupportable concept. But these are the same people, with the same motives.
                    Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Mar 30, 2019, 20:07.


                      Staying calm and firing up the BBQ would've been the answer.


                        There was a young girl at the resort in tobago we were at
                        She told everyone at the resort she was a vegan while she was smoking and shooting tequila
                        I told her i was a carnivore and really didnt give a flying f$&k what she was
                        She seemed confused that i didnt give a shit what she ate or didnt eat
                        Its all about attention


                          Every ranch needs a few mean assed horned bulls on the place ready to bust out in situations such as these...along with cameras to video the entertainment.


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