When pulses got shit on by India?????? Lentils went from 35 cents to 15 cents there was none of this type of talk about help from government or changes to the shitty programs
Pulses don't even get mentioned about the price drop in those commodities....
Now that canola has dropped a $1.50 ...I read that APAS has woke up with this in the WP...
"""""""APAS is proposing the following changes to the AgriStability program:
• an enhancement of AgriStability coverage to deal with export market issues
• elimination of enrolment fees for 2019 AgriStability applications
• an extended 2019 enrollment deadline and elimination of late enrollment penalties
• AgriStability interim payments should trade issues seriously reduce farm income.
Saskatchewan’s canola seed exports to China were valued at nearly $1.4 billion in 2017."""""""
I guess since the reps from APAS are from canola growing areas they don't give a shitabout other commodities and the impact of this?????
You can't pick out a specific commodity to help ...all commodities will be affected by an canola acreage shift...
Maybe its just me that is pissed at reading shit like this...
AND where the **** is SASKPULSE because I asked them 2 ****ing years ago to do something and they ignored the request....Have the letter from the board to prove their incompetence from last year ...after a year of telling Carl Potts to pass it on to the board ..it is the exact same thing as the canola....Incompetence at the saskpulse board
I will be mentioning names because Corey, Lee, and other said the liberals were not willing to listen...turns out they were not asking.....nor were the lazy ****ers at Pulse Canada....Cant get the mandatory checkoff back there....Living high on the hog at the pulse boards....Lee has been everywhere man....
I might have talked about it here as well...going searching ....
Pulses don't even get mentioned about the price drop in those commodities....
Now that canola has dropped a $1.50 ...I read that APAS has woke up with this in the WP...
"""""""APAS is proposing the following changes to the AgriStability program:
• an enhancement of AgriStability coverage to deal with export market issues
• elimination of enrolment fees for 2019 AgriStability applications
• an extended 2019 enrollment deadline and elimination of late enrollment penalties
• AgriStability interim payments should trade issues seriously reduce farm income.
Saskatchewan’s canola seed exports to China were valued at nearly $1.4 billion in 2017."""""""
I guess since the reps from APAS are from canola growing areas they don't give a shitabout other commodities and the impact of this?????
You can't pick out a specific commodity to help ...all commodities will be affected by an canola acreage shift...
Maybe its just me that is pissed at reading shit like this...
AND where the **** is SASKPULSE because I asked them 2 ****ing years ago to do something and they ignored the request....Have the letter from the board to prove their incompetence from last year ...after a year of telling Carl Potts to pass it on to the board ..it is the exact same thing as the canola....Incompetence at the saskpulse board
I will be mentioning names because Corey, Lee, and other said the liberals were not willing to listen...turns out they were not asking.....nor were the lazy ****ers at Pulse Canada....Cant get the mandatory checkoff back there....Living high on the hog at the pulse boards....Lee has been everywhere man....
I might have talked about it here as well...going searching ....