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An interesting video on Brexit

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    An interesting video on Brexit

    I'm not normally one to promote things from Far Right extremist parties (particularly when they are German) but this young lady hits a lot of nails on the head with her speech on Brexit highlighting how impossible they have made it for Britain to exit the EU and how what was really needed was a restructuring of the EU among other things. Lot's of common sense in her speech. She nailed the French role in it particularly well.
    As I said I don't support extremist parties on either wing but she has distanced herself somewhat from the more extreme elements of her party. It's interesting to me that there seems to be some new politicians breaking through in Europe - this one shares a lot in common with the young Scottish MP I posted the video of a while back except she was on the far left.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63IcW4eo4uM&fbclid=IwAR1ThPPAIeDPNRlkvWGU8 LMd2H5qYrvTZcpCDaI-9Z8w6WIKDMwB53xqy6A http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63IcW4eo4uM&fbclid=IwAR1ThPPAIeDPNRlkvWGU8 LMd2H5qYrvTZcpCDaI-9Z8w6WIKDMwB53xqy6A
    Last edited by grassfarmer; Mar 31, 2019, 10:00.
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