Originally posted by grassfarmer
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Following the recent ratifications of CETA and CPTPP, Budget 2019 proposes up to $3.9 billion in support for supply-managed farmers:
Support will be offered to sustain the incomes of eligible dairy, poultry, and egg farmers, by making available up to $2.4 billion. Of this amount, $250 million has already been provided to support dairy farmers as a result of CETA, therefore a net amount of up to $2.15 billion will be available in coming years to deal with income losses associated with these agreements; and
Assistance will also be offered to protect the value of investments made by farmers in supply-managed sectors, through a Quota Value Guarantee Program that will protect against reduction in quota value when the quota is sold. $1.5 billion has been set aside for this demand-driven program.
Just ****ing wondering if people will wake the **** up now???????????