Going skidooing today. Can still get around pretty good. Have to drag some cow guts out of the yard while the going is good. Tapped a bunch of maples, but the sap ain’t flowing much. Too cold. Spring started a couple weeks ago, then went back to winter with no highs above zero since Sunday. Two small bare patches in the yard. Runoff has been a good amount, dugouts filled, but there will be no short term large amount, just a long two week sustained trickle. I guess that maybe is a good thing.
0% canola
20% oats
30% flax
30% soft white wheat
20% hay
If spring keeps on in slow motion, soft white may need to be switched to barley or canary.
0% canola
20% oats
30% flax
30% soft white wheat
20% hay
If spring keeps on in slow motion, soft white may need to be switched to barley or canary.