It's pretty easy to understand the feelings this guy has. The positive side of family farms is that we put our heart and soul into our farms, it's in your blood, you work because a job needs done not because you are getting paid. The negative side of family farms is the same thing. Maybe the mentality comes from the days of subsistence farming. It's no way to run a business, the cold reality for this young fellow is that he does need to find a job and do something else even if he doesn't want to. Yes its heartbreaking. I think all of us have had the feelings of "what am I doing this for", tough times of poor prices, sick animals, poor weather, breakdowns are all too common.
I agree that the world could and should pay more for their food but farmers cannot blame consumers or retailers. They are looking out for their best interests as is needed. Just because you want to produce something doesnt mean the other side of the business equation wants to buy it. The root cause of ag unprofitability is plain and simple we have gotten too good at production and we need fewer producers. The desire to be a farmer is strong and makes farmers make poor business decisions which eventually affects all farmers not just the individuals. Land rent and land prices being the biggest and most notable poor decisions in lots of cases. All the time guys expand because they want to, not because it makes economic sense (to anyone other than theselves).
Doesnt matter which side of the SM debate you are on but the visible advantage is a quota system limits guys from making poor business descions of over production.
Be aware and supportive of mental stress on yourself and friends and neighbors, all we can do as individuals.
I agree that the world could and should pay more for their food but farmers cannot blame consumers or retailers. They are looking out for their best interests as is needed. Just because you want to produce something doesnt mean the other side of the business equation wants to buy it. The root cause of ag unprofitability is plain and simple we have gotten too good at production and we need fewer producers. The desire to be a farmer is strong and makes farmers make poor business decisions which eventually affects all farmers not just the individuals. Land rent and land prices being the biggest and most notable poor decisions in lots of cases. All the time guys expand because they want to, not because it makes economic sense (to anyone other than theselves).
Doesnt matter which side of the SM debate you are on but the visible advantage is a quota system limits guys from making poor business descions of over production.
Be aware and supportive of mental stress on yourself and friends and neighbors, all we can do as individuals.