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What is the bigger problem...

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    Love alarmist articles like that.

    I guess I should have left the country when I was drowned out due to climate change for a decade.

    There are many reasons to leave Honduras. None of them have a thing to do with climate change. I will have to call my friend in the morning and see how he sees it. Lol


      Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
      Great friend of mine is a missionary in Honduras.

      There is no problem with climate change in that country. Bunch of bunk.


      Just like the polar bear fake stories, and the north is warming faster issue. The alarmists pick places few of us have experience with, and can not easily refute, because we don’t live there. They make claims that are absolutely false.

      But ask the locals, and they will call it bunk. Just like when all winter, whenever there is an alarmist piece in the news, I simply go to the weather forecast of the supposed hot spot, look at the current weather, and easily refute the bs they are trying to sell us all.

      Am I the only one who does a bit of digging? Sheesh.
      Absolutely right. I have been there , going back next march. The only problem they have there is the govt , gangs and the economy .the same road we are heading down . Some of the nicest people i have met. Would fit in here real good


        Originally posted by jazz View Post
        I always wondered about that garbage patch in the pacific. I mean my trash all goes to landfill and so does most of the first world so how is it getting out there? Are people dumping it in the oceans, or are people living too close to the water and rogue waves and Tsunamis grabbing their stuff and taking them out to sea.

        Might not be getting the full story on that one.
        I am always amazed how close some countries pile their garbage to the oceans . I think the oceans used to take care of a lot of it but unfortunately they cant handle any more. For those of us who love the oceans its really hard to watch


          Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
          climate change or illegal immigration? ....... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/13/world/americas/coffee-climate-change-migration.html?emc=edit_th_190414&nl=todaysheadlin es&nlid=509750830414 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/13/world/americas/coffee-climate-change-migration.html?emc=edit_th_190414&nl=todaysheadlin es&nlid=509750830414
          So the NYT sez people are leaving central America because of Glowbull Warming. What does the statement even mean? Do they expect us to believe that if you randomly questioned people in those caravans they'd say "we left home because climate change"? Most of them have never even heard about Glowbull Warming. Maybe the NYT means that they're too stupid to know why they set out to walk 500 miles. They're poor - they've heard from family in the US that its easy to get in - its really that simple. WhatsApp and Facebook have infinitely more to do with their trip than Glowbull Warming.


            Originally posted by sk_wheatking View Post
            Yes, maybe for you, but tell that to the people who are being affected by it directly.
            That's the funny thing - you'd think the people in Texas border towns would be up in arms but they aren't. It's well documented that the people furthest from the border, and least affected, are the ones making the biggest fuss - the people in Montana - and the Canadian prairies if you believe what we read on here.


              Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
              That's the funny thing - you'd think the people in Texas border towns would be up in arms but they aren't. It's well documented that the people furthest from the border, and least affected, are the ones making the biggest fuss - the people in Montana - and the Canadian prairies if you believe what we read on here.
              Or if you believe your CNN.


                Grass you have no idea what you are talking about. I have a inlaws that live in small town texas. They have a gun present 24/7. they have had illegals coming into there yard, demanding food, water,theft of anything they can get their hands on, and car jacking is an on going occurance.We have a winter home in A.Z.And before you flame me for having a WINTER HOME in A.Z.,I will tell you strait up.....I am a senior citizen and it is wayyy cheaper to live in AZ than it is in trudope canukistan.You as a socialist, I welcome your right to Pay the way for these illegal refuges that you and trudope welcome into canada.Your money, spend it as you feel, but dont expect me to follow you down the rat hole.
                Also about illegals...While we are in az we go to los algedonas mexico for dental work and medical procedures that cannot be done in canada without being on a waiting list for months, on my dime.Any way, it was an unusually long wait at the border coming back....Asked border security why so long....He said most people were out in the field as they had already rounded up over 600 illegals and the day had just begun.That in 600 in Yuma alone.... Can you imagine how many are rounded up at other border crossings, yet alone the ones that get by border security.
                You come to Canada for a reason,and I believe that was for a better way of life for you and your family....And I believe you come here through the normal means of immigration,and paid your douse .So why is it so hard for you to think someone else should not do the same...


                  Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                  That's the funny thing - you'd think the people in Texas border towns would be up in arms but they aren't. It's well documented that the people furthest from the border, and least affected, are the ones making the biggest fuss - the people in Montana - and the Canadian prairies if you believe what we read on here.
                  What fukin planet are you on ??
                  Anyone with a brain knows it’s a gong show along the border, and the locals are pissed but no one is allowed to report the truth anymore.
                  Do you actually watch and believe CNN and MSNBC ?? It’s seems like you would be Rachel Mad Cows biggest fan .. lol .
                  Why on the *** would anyone in their right mind promote wide open illegal immigration??? It’s mind boggling !
                  It’s not our border , I could care less but as a taxpayer in a sovereign nation you would need to be mentally challenged to even think illegal immigration is even remotely ok .

                  There is a handful here that actually trust these Fukin lies.....


                    There was some polling done in the Texas Lyceum Poll on the immigration issue which showed:

                    61% oppose a border wall versus 35% in favour.
                    62% of Texans think immigration helps the US more than it hurts it, 27% think it hurts more than helps.
                    The poll also found 90% of Texas adults support allowing illegal immigrants already in the country illegally to become citizens if there were strict conditions attached.

                    My brother lived in Austin for a few years and has a fair handle on Texan opinions.


                      The exodus from central American
                      Countries is not a result of global warming.
                      The catholic church is probably
                      More to blame with the irresponseable anti birth control
                      Message they have been peddling

                      The highest birth rates in the Americas are in those countries. 2to 3 times everywhere else.
                      Resources stretched , poverty
                      Probably 80-90% catholic
                      What else do we expect to happen.

                      The same old who
                      With no public support system .
                      Who will take care
                      Of me when I am old .

                      So I have to have 7 kids. And God wants it too.

                      The self preservation tactics of the catholic church .
                      Out breed the other religions to win.

                      Be dammed the consequences.

                      There are consequences which the church ignores . And they are at the
                      US boarders
                      Last edited by sawfly1; Apr 15, 2019, 07:46.


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