The first nations were partners in the fur trade providing furs and guides. A lot of Chinese people helped build the railways. Eastern Europeans settled many farming areas. It was not only white skinned western Europeans who sweated and died building this great country.
Many recent immigrants are also highly educated doctors and professionals who keep you healthy and run high tech companies and teach your children. Lots of immigrants cut your meat, drive your taxis and do the low paying jobs that many Canadians won't do.
Many immigrant families work harder and improve themselves more than the entitled long term residents who expect high paying jobs and handouts.
There are lots of Canadian born free loaders from European descendants too.
Many recent immigrants are also highly educated doctors and professionals who keep you healthy and run high tech companies and teach your children. Lots of immigrants cut your meat, drive your taxis and do the low paying jobs that many Canadians won't do.
Many immigrant families work harder and improve themselves more than the entitled long term residents who expect high paying jobs and handouts.
There are lots of Canadian born free loaders from European descendants too.