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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!


    winter is coming and the night king won't die this time> Ottawa is doing its best to kill us all with loans>

    Politics I can't believe in 2019 Farmers will get beaten down to nothing thanks to Stupid politicians in Ottawa, and Useless pussies we elect and have on farm advisory boards who are just yes man. Ok, ill give the wheat growers a pat on the back they had the best explanation of yesterdays announcement. Read it really hits the spot.

    Mcleans has an article out about China and some eastern prof thinks Canada should just sit and do nothing and it will go away as we are little potatoes. That's funny we have little potato in charge.

    Farmers should wake the **** up as this issue is going to affect their bottom line for years to come. Even if we have an election in fall and toss the Fool Trudeau out it will take years to get the screw ups on trade straitened out and if the debt he piled up gets too high we have other issues and Canada could collapse. Ontario people are mad because they have to cut back. Wow, you had a fool in charge and she broke you now you can't figure out why you have to cut back.

    Look at your cash on hand then look at your savings then look at your paid for the land and finally your debt. Then look at numbers like $7 Canola and $5 wheat and $2 oats and $3 barley and $6 peas. Your costs for equipment and inputs. Tell me how rosy you feel about Ag more than ever now.

    Oh, some say were seeding and happy and planting crop 19 and it will all work its way out. Well, boys who can't remember history, this is Canada they do nothing but lip service for farmers they don't care about farmers Conservatives or Liberals or the Who the FU K cares party. It's you and only you and this shit storm are bigger than anything I have ever seen in my time farming.

    By taking a cash advance on your grain in bin and future production based on crap insurance you now leveraged the crop. Now if you put in every single thing to this crop you give the ultimate goal keep the farmers spending so grain companies and suppliers are selling the product.

    Build bins and store the crop till spring or summer of 2020. Oh, my friend the due date for the payback is next Oct 1. Now the same grain companies that feed off you and dropped the prices and the feds flying around the world looking for holidays oh sorry markets will now tell you that the 10 mill carry over and the 2020 crop means Canada is full of Canola and now the price is $7.00 or less $6.45. Yea now you tell that to your Banker who is phoning every second day to every day. You now deliver and get a check like the wheat board days for .45 cents a bushel to give the banker. Oh, he is really happy and RB is flooded with calls.

    But the biggest worry is a foot of snow is only an inch of moisture and there is a dry area from Saskatoon to Yorkton also. Add drought and low production and guess what your Crap insurance check is going to the Cash advance and again the call from your banker where is my money.

    This is not a solution to lay down and die. But unfortunately we live in Canada and Farmers mean nothing. The Feds Created the Trade problems but we will pay. What a country.

    Friday crop report.

    Seeding started yesterday and most were getting the bugs out or like us start and find a big problem on one section of the frame on the oldest Bourg and back you go limping to the shop. The second drill will be rolling Saturday.
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    We have 1600 acres harrowed and are playing with the Degelman heavy duty. It pulls hard. makes the tractor grunt.

    Few are spraying, like one guy who always does a burn off ahead said maybe this year it's just half a litre before the crop comes out of the ground because -5 to -10 the next week out doesn't give you much growth.

    Weather for us looks like some rain or snow showers today then nice tomorrow then rain snow sleet or hail till next Wed. AH, the early seeders that have crop in the ground since April 10 th how is it doing. Just asking for a friend. Soil was 5 yesterday afternoon.

    Not much change in our area as the land is not moving as established farmers aren't selling out and retiring farmers are down to a handful amount of guys in the four Rms I am in. Poor dirt sells eventually but the good seems to be holding the price and the guys aren't selling. Family to family deals couple that's it.

    This was going to be a start of a better run with less moisture I was hoping when I left Florida for spring of 2019. Since I have hit Canadian soil the shit show we call farming continues each day with no positives on the horizon.

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    So be safe and yes we laugh about the fact the feds think mental health issues are important in a trade dispute there are guys who are having bad thoughts this spring and we should all care about our neighbours. Seeding is a stressful time of year but this year with the shit show that Ottawa caused have guys thinking a lot as they go up and down. Please if you see or talk to someone and they seem off to get them help.

    Remember its only a crop and they will love the fact we have two years of production to get rid of at pennies on the dollar and a Cash advance to help with sunny ways.

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    Last edited by SASKFARMER; May 2, 2019, 06:36.

    To be honest my mental health has deteriorated ever since we elected a govt who is intent on destroying the country. That disturbs me more than $8 canola. And nothing is changing for at least 6 more months and even then, if sheer gets in it will be like Ford - austerity to get the balance sheet back in shape, people get mad after getting cut off, then vote in a socialist next time and the damage gets worse.


      Justin Trudeau" by Garry Harrison, Professor of British and Irish Literary Studies who lives in Canada

      Say what you will about Pierre Trudeau – and you may say many negative things about a man who deliberately chose to spend the Second World War sitting on the sidelines, who shilled for Red China while it murdered tens of millions of people, who was a life-long apologist for Soviet Communism, who began a relationship with a teenager when he was already an old man, who nearly spent Canada into bankruptcy, who tried to steal the wealth of the West and ruined a generation of Albertans, whose quest for personal glory nearly broke the Canadian federation, and who recklessly fathered a daughter when he was a septuagenarian and therefore left a little girl of nine without a father when he died – but it is beyond dispute that he was at least an intelligent man. It is true that he was also a cold, reckless, and destructive man, but there was definitely something there.

      Of Justin it may be said that he has managed to inherit all of the flaws of his father – his recklessness, his arrogance, his willingness to apologize to and appease enemies of our civilization, and his almost-unique ability to be wrong about every issue of significance. Whether or not he inherited the other qualities of his parents – that is to say whether his personal life is as dissolute and debauched as that of his father – is not currently a matter of public record, but I imagine that it will be soon enough. However, it can be said with certainty that J. Trudeau did not inherit his father’s sole virtue: everything that is already in the public record suggests that Justin Trudeau is a profoundly stupid man whose only qualification to be Prime Minister is that he has a famous name. That he should, at this particular juncture in history, be elected Prime Minister of Canada ought to shame all Canadians.

      What, pray tell, has this man ever accomplished in his entire life? His biography is available for all to read. Young Master Trudeau, so far as I can tell, has never held anything resembling a real job for any length of time. His biography describes him as having been a teacher, but he was still a substitute teacher at least as late as 1999 (he worked at my High School) and he appears to have begun a never-completed graduate degree in 2002. Before that – when he was already in his mid-twenties – he was a ski bum in Whistler. In other words, this Prime Minister appears to have – at the absolute most – had about three years of full-time work experience before seeking to lead the nation. This man never led anything in his entire life. Quite literally he doesn't have the requisite experience on his resume to be hired as the Manager of a Starbucks. Indeed, to be very clear, the last sentence wasn't intended to be at all insulting to anyone who either manages or works for Starbucks – I'm a frequent customer and it is, by all accounts – a very challenging job. But, surely, we can all agree that Prime Minister is a job that requires at least the same level of previous management experience as Starbucks management?

      Consider all that you have achieved in your own life. Most of you, I presume, are from background rather like myself. That is to say that you are from middle class families and had to earn your way through life. You had to work to pay your way through school. You had to worry about paying the rent, about saving money for a down payment, about how much of a mortgage that you could afford. Most of you have probably worked bad jobs or taken work beneath your education and dignity because we simply needed the money. Some of you probably missed out on having fun – on ski trips to pick one relevant example – either because you could not afford them or because you simply had to work. That, you and I probably both believe, is simply a natural part of life. All of that is quite foreign to Justin Trudeau.

      Now, I am both a conservative and a capitalist. I do not begrudge or resent great wealth and privilege in and of itself. One of the primary aims of my own life is to eventually earn (and manage to keep, in the face of a rapacious state) enough so that the next generation of Yoshidas doesn't have to make compromises when it comes to fundamental life decisions for financial reasons. I think that people have a right to earn as much as they can and to pass that along to their children. But, as the children of privilege get to enjoy certain advantages in life, so do I believe that those to whom much is given have a profound moral responsibility to contribute to the world in some fashion exchange for all that they have been given in life.

      And what, we ought to inquire, has J. Trudeau done with his life and privileges? His accomplishments such as they are – eternal years as a student, two partially-completed Masters’ degrees, and perhaps a few years of work experience – are scant when compared with those of the average middle-class Canadian of modest means and background. I could literally walk down the street outside of my home and pick out a hundred random people with more work experience, education, and life experience than J. Trudeau has. When you consider that this man is the child of a multi-millionaire and carries arguably the most famous name in Canada, his below-average record is particularly shameful. This man had every single advantage that it is possible for a young Canadian to have and that is all that he could do with his life?

      In general, I view the idle rich to be more objects of pity than ones deserving of hatred. That calculation, however, changes rather rapidly when they aspire, as J. Trudeau does, to translate that unearned privilege into power over the rest of us. If “Justin Trudeau” were instead “Justin Thompson” it’s pretty safe to assume that he'd be collecting EI and writing a screenplay on a battered laptop at some local coffee shop. The only reason why we are threatened with this man in 24 Sussex is that he carries a famous surname. It is the greatest of ironies that so much of the support for this particular man came from the sort of people who spend the rest of their time re-blogging articles on “white privilege.”

      Now, as Canada prepares to join the fight against ISIS and the other Islamic barbarians who threaten our people and way of life, we see that J. Trudeau intends to use his unearned privileges to carry on his father’s tradition of serving an apologist for and appeaser of all of the enemies of our civilization. In this he is, most regrettably, simply carrying on in the long tradition of a Quebec political establishment whose behavior in the face of our enemies has long been disgraceful and immoral. Just as the Quebec political establishment took seditious and at times almost traitorous positions in the face of the German threat in both World Wars (shameful episodes that are somehow generally hushed-up in the retelling of our history), today J. Trudeau is, as his father once was, on the other side in the great crusade for civilization.

      Justin Trudeau in 24 Sussex – will likely be fatal for the Canadian Federation. How long do you think, in this day and age, will the Western Provinces remain willing to accept the dictates of a Quebec-controlled government hostile to the very basis of its entire economy? This child doesn't have the political skills or the experience to navigate such a potentially-perilous situation, for not only is he unfit to lead the nation, but he is also an unworthy successor to his predecessors as Leader of the Liberal Party who, for all of their many faults, were at least men of accomplishment and substance.

      If you believe in individual merit – if you believe that we should have a country where accomplishments matter more than your name – then we should have rejected this haughty and arrogant child who would presume to rule over us all. So who is running the country?


        Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post

        Cheer up - at least your leaves are full out already.


          They are taking western canada to its knees. I can’t believe farms won’t be crushed by drought or overproduction but by a Trudeau and the liberals. Any one voting for Ralph is a moron in Regina. Canada wide anyone voting for a liberal is nuts


            Me thinks those might be last year's photos, leaves aren't out in the Slum yet so I doubt the SF3's Garden of Eden has come to life either!




              I have said it before and I will say it again....after Justin Trudeau ...Even BUCKET is overqualified to be Prime Minister....

              Trudeau has zero thought process and neither do those around him....they are all ideaologues...they are not receptive to compromise or understanding the other side of things....

              Who in their right mind would come to a farm in Western canada,,, see the dirt barely turned to put a crop in and look back 30 years and not see an incredible amount of progress in the way we farm and the contributions we have made to the environment....then the next day burden farms with more debt to a problem the Prime Minister created....instead he could have made a multi billion dollar announcement to compensate farmers for their environmental efforts for the past 25 years...to offset the current pain...

              A quick review of crop insurance to see the seeding intensity of farmers would be the qualifier for a carbon sequestering incentive payment...

              Thats if the current group in Ottawa had any " outside the box " thinking skills...they don't..

              But neither does the province or the farm groups...

              As in another thread...will Canada survive....the timeline is getting tight...


                Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                They are taking western canada to its knees. I can’t believe farms won’t be crushed by drought or overproduction but by a Trudeau and the liberals. Any one voting for Ralph is a moron in Regina. Canada wide anyone voting for a liberal is nuts
                So what did the sask party do for this situation? Besides pat bobo on the back so that neither governments come up with any cash?
                If there was an effective farm program that immediately dealt with shortfalls we wouldn’t be in such dire Who destroyed the programs? Wallo and harpo!!!

                The carbon tax and pst already take off 10% of our income roughly.


                  Grant Devine would be ashamed of this group of ****tards....


                    From the canola announcement yesterday the MSM are using stock photos of when Trudeau visited a farm just SE of me in 2016 - Lewis Farms. The owner knew that Trudeau had some opposing viewpoints but thought he should engage and educate the PM. Cudos for that. But he didn't know he was inviting a petulant child to his operation. Anyone would have come there and saw how this land is tamed by ingenuity resilience and technology to make a world class ag system and that it should be fostered by his govt.

                    Nope, he got on his pedestal and lectured about climate change. When they tried to explain how carbon sequestration works with min till and new technologies, he ignored it all, harped on his carbon tax, shamed an entire industry and took off.

                    (sorry bucket, didn't see the second half of your post. I assume this is the same thing you are talking about)


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