No seeding here as there’s still drifts on the hillsides from the snow that keeps coming every day. Just finished changing spikes on the 19’ chisel plow as the 875 versy won’t be dragging the 40’ any time soon in these conditions. Gotta start making it black to warm up and dry out the ground with the crummy forecast if we’re ever going to get going especially for the corn. The only warm thing around here was a bin of #3 canola that started taking off but turned it and all is well.

On the cow side the calving is going great. Been averaging a calf an hour for almost two weeks and hit 336 or 55% today and these calves have been real troopers considering the weather. We got a shed and pens for the first calvers but next to nothing for the cows and need something for next year. Tonight they’re calling for two more inches of snow and 60 kph wind tomorrow......... currently light rain. Yippee

A heifer doing a top notch job of earning her meal ticket for another year.

On the cow side the calving is going great. Been averaging a calf an hour for almost two weeks and hit 336 or 55% today and these calves have been real troopers considering the weather. We got a shed and pens for the first calvers but next to nothing for the cows and need something for next year. Tonight they’re calling for two more inches of snow and 60 kph wind tomorrow......... currently light rain. Yippee

A heifer doing a top notch job of earning her meal ticket for another year.