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China wants to meet with Canada but Canola is off the Table. Like WTF!

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    China wants to meet with Canada but Canola is off the Table. Like WTF!

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    Chinas ambassador to Canada says his country wants to end the impasse with Canada. (Under our week little piss ant we have no ambassador in China).
    China says it is worried about relations with Canada.


    But the discussion about the two held captive are off the table and Canola is not on the table.

    I know the liberals won't get this because they probably are asking for gender-neutral bathrooms and gay pride parades and women's rights in China as we sink as a country.

    In normal thinking.
    China wants its precious Huawei Exec. released and Canada to be the only country to use the Huawei 5G network they created.

    So in a game of strategy, the number one area getting killed is Canola and all our products going to China. Now extra meat inspections. Like WTF starts opening up containers in Vancouver and billing the Chinese.

    They want Huawei 5G to be used in Canada and control our phones.

    Human life means nothing to the Chinese so the two Canadians are probably not going to make it either way.

    The drug trafficker who give a rats ass if he is alive.

    China has its fingers all over Canada and we allowed that. What did I say way-way back with the land ownership, Homes, condos Oil or mines etc?

    We are a nation rich in natural resources but weak in the category of Brains (Trudeau and crew).

    So what will the powers that be do side with USA and world and Drop Huawei 5G or give in and let them in? Control of us is complete.

    The USA will then hit us hard and you know what that will mean. Farmers and Wheat and Oil. Crushing Canada not only on the world but China as well.

    Our idiot got himself into a pickle and He is the one we elected and he has to take responsibility for all the damage.

    Farmers will get a loan and that will be the beginning of the End.

    Sad never believed twice in my life a Trudeau would suck the life out of the west but Junior is crushing all of Canada.

    Were F#$Ked.

    Like I mentioned earlier China wants to wramp up Meat inspections. Wow coming to form a country that puts shit into our food and lead in toys.

    I think we blew the China thing so now its time to play hardball.

    Start looking into all land deals with Chinese.

    Start looking into all business deals with China.

    Start opening every single container and billing it back to them.

    Drug lords making millions of killing Canadians should be the story.

    We have a shit show lots will be hurt in the crossfire. An F#$King loan won't work this is going to get ugly fast.


      To all farmers that don't get what is happening and think its just China Trying to buy cheap canola like it always does. I have a little reality for you.

      This shit is serious.

      We have a leader, staff and ministers who are maybe educated (GRASS) but have no idea how the world really works.

      This won't get straightened out after the election it will take years.

      Dip shit has only 143 days left to inflict damage China knows this and will make life miserable from here on.

      Canola will be bought and sold and margins made by the Cargills and Richardsons etc. Always get paid but you will get the shaft.

      Now if he pisses off Trump was F#$Ked on both sides and we will come out on the losing end for maybe 10 years or more.

      To all who voted liberal, you wanted the shit for brains to make Canada a country of Fairy tale and Unicorns well you are getting it.

      Remember the last trade war way-way back. What did the FEDS do then? Nothing and now that they have put us over the trillion in debt you think they will care about farmers.

      The UN might take us over.


        Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
        To all farmers that don't get what is happening and think its just China Trying to buy cheap canola like it always does. I have a little reality for you.

        This shit is serious.

        We have a leader, staff and ministers who are maybe educated (GRASS) but have no idea how the world really works.

        This won't get straightened out after the election it will take years.

        Dip shit has only 143 days left to inflict damage China knows this and will make life miserable from here on.

        Canola will be bought and sold and margins made by the Cargills and Richardsons etc. Always get paid but you will get the shaft.

        Now if he pisses off Trump was F#$Ked on both sides and we will come out on the losing end for maybe 10 years or more.

        To all who voted liberal, you wanted the shit for brains to make Canada a country of Fairy tale and Unicorns well you are getting it.

        Remember the last trade war way-way back. What did the FEDS do then? Nothing and now that they have put us over the trillion in debt you think they will care about farmers.

        The UN might take us over.
        It won’t get straightened out for us farmers until we get some representation in the provincial government as well as federal.
        What did our provincial government do here? Are they saying the programs are no good? Are they lowering the pst on farmers or raising it? What did the federal conservatives say about our situation? Look boys and girls we know the ag programs are shitty ( they should know they destroyed them) but we agree tske a bigger loan and then apply for the shitty program.
        How is anything for ag going to be any different?
        On other issues yes but ag we re dreaming if we think it will be better for the individual farmer at least. Maybe the Richardson’s and viagras but not us.


          Huawei is going to get banned. Trump has already decreed it. Thats how skippy got the steel tarrifs off.


            China is in a world of hurt so it is looking to its vassals for support. Like usual it will do nothing to help us but is seeking help from us. Most canucks are too stupid to figure that out so they will likely get what they want. Increasing canola sales in the US is quite possible this winter, so if I was PM, I would not be doing anything to jeopardize that potential at this point but again canucks are stupid and the Chinese know that.


              I hate to say it but SK3 needs to go to toronto and meet the average liberal voter for a good shock. They dont give a rats about the economy, just how much debt can be given to their pet cause. The disconnect is huge. Any one who knows a thing about our country is we live or die on our exporting of resources. There is nothing else in this country that matches it. And when the govt not only take their eye off the economy but goes out of their way to torpedo it, the damage is huge.


                China economy slow down

                Was talking with Canola council rep and he mentioned China is in a recession by their standards ,only 3% growth instead of the 7-9% it was at. Feds have thrown a trade mission together ,leaving June 5,to go to Japan and Korea about canola. Korea has crushing plants running at 1/2 capacity. Our traders here are worried about being paid shipping to Korea 🤔. It would be a start, industry realizes China fiasco will take time to resolve,puppet boy off in LaLa Land 😞


                  China thinks they can push us around. I think it is time to finally take a stand. Stop dancing around the issue. Stop laundering their money. Stop letting their drugs into the country. Don't let them establish a foothold to monitor our wireless communication network. Stop buying chinese shit.

                  Like SF3 says inspect every shipment of food, kick over every rock that says made in china on it.

                  I was talking to a Chamber of Commerce board member the other day and he was talking about a Saskatchewan company that made light poles for towns and cities. Over a period of three years they lost most of their business to a chinese company that undercut them. They were trying to figure out how to compete with them so they bought a chinese light pole to look at it and then they realize the how to do it. All poles must bend or break when hit at the speed of 15 mph or more and they realized that it would take a much bigger hit than that to break off these chinese light poles and that they wouldn't meet that safety spec. Like I say, just shit.


                    Supporting Syngenta = Supporting China

                    It’s too bad our drama teacher is so clueless and obviously is only concerned with eastern votes.


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