Chinas ambassador to Canada says his country wants to end the impasse with Canada. (Under our week little piss ant we have no ambassador in China).
China says it is worried about relations with Canada.
But the discussion about the two held captive are off the table and Canola is not on the table.
I know the liberals won't get this because they probably are asking for gender-neutral bathrooms and gay pride parades and women's rights in China as we sink as a country.
In normal thinking.
China wants its precious Huawei Exec. released and Canada to be the only country to use the Huawei 5G network they created.
So in a game of strategy, the number one area getting killed is Canola and all our products going to China. Now extra meat inspections. Like WTF starts opening up containers in Vancouver and billing the Chinese.
They want Huawei 5G to be used in Canada and control our phones.
Human life means nothing to the Chinese so the two Canadians are probably not going to make it either way.
The drug trafficker who give a rats ass if he is alive.
China has its fingers all over Canada and we allowed that. What did I say way-way back with the land ownership, Homes, condos Oil or mines etc?
We are a nation rich in natural resources but weak in the category of Brains (Trudeau and crew).
So what will the powers that be do side with USA and world and Drop Huawei 5G or give in and let them in? Control of us is complete.
The USA will then hit us hard and you know what that will mean. Farmers and Wheat and Oil. Crushing Canada not only on the world but China as well.
Our idiot got himself into a pickle and He is the one we elected and he has to take responsibility for all the damage.
Farmers will get a loan and that will be the beginning of the End.
Sad never believed twice in my life a Trudeau would suck the life out of the west but Junior is crushing all of Canada.
Were F#$Ked.