I remember the first year of the Western Canadian Farm Progress shows way-way back. It was fun and exciting with new equipment. Hell the Steigers with new tec. The Big Roy. The Rotary Combine ETc. Etc.
But something happened and it can all be traced back to the City of Regina and the Exhibition Association.
See we had a really good summer Exhibition. Something like the Calgary Stampede. With Pemican Pearl and the guy on the Buffalo. It was a theme.
But wait the idiots thought that just doesn't work in backwards Regina. Let's think out of the box no one wants that old shit.
Well, it is now like the companies that come to the mall parking lot and have a summer fair.
Blank stare in the eyes of the Exhibition Association. Why is no one coming anymore? But lets put out a press release it's so excellent.
Now the powers that be have almost put a nail in the coffin of the Farm Progress show. Why For one high cost getting the equipment to the show. City charges for private police (off duty or retired at 3x wage to escort the equipment into the city. It's not NewYork it's just off the ring road a two-lane highway at 6 am has like what 4 cars.
One company I know said it cost them somewhere around $40,000.00 to go. They sold out so watch the new guys won't do it.
So the city is to blame. Want people to come but then rip the total shit out of them.
Parking is a shit show. Oh, build downtown they will come. Yea that works.
Now the exhibition association is also the problem. Workers that snooping around your booth after hours.
Rules that make no sense. Being told when entering a building at 4:30 you better hurry fast through because we close at 5:00. Like its a show who cares if we take till 5:10 to leave. Attitude is awful. Someone said 300 fewer exhibitors.
But the real problem is the board. They see a future show with more buildings selling Sham Wow for the women and less machinery. They wiped out the old tractors and parade that went almost since day one. No one wants to see that stuff its old this is a modern show. Look back up to thinking out of the box in Backwards Regina.
You can brag on the news that visitors came from all over the world and lots of business was done but the reality is your killing a once great farm show.
I said it would be done in three years a year ago. I predict by this time next year it will be done.
Thank a bunch of fools who really shouldn't be running a lemonade stand.
Yes, Ag In Motion is taking over and destroying high-cost Regina. But hey they still run a great Show in Fargo called Big Iron or a great exhibition in a little centre called Minot. Wonder why Regina Can't get its shit Together.
Oh, Regina international airport. Ah, you have to go to Calgary or Toronto to get out or into here.
Have a great day were at the show. One last kick at the can.