What are you targeting?
For FHB in barley, your limited to caramba, prosaro, or twinline.
For leaf diseases at flag leaf, quilt is the middle of the pack fungicide. You can swap it for Topnotch which is similar, but contains nearly twice the azoxystrobin for a better value. Trivapro has quilt and a 3rd active which provides 21 days of coverage compared to 14 with quilt. Its a couple bucks more than quilt. Folicur is also a good option.
For FHB in barley, your limited to caramba, prosaro, or twinline.
For leaf diseases at flag leaf, quilt is the middle of the pack fungicide. You can swap it for Topnotch which is similar, but contains nearly twice the azoxystrobin for a better value. Trivapro has quilt and a 3rd active which provides 21 days of coverage compared to 14 with quilt. Its a couple bucks more than quilt. Folicur is also a good option.