Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5
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DML, now that we have found some common ground, can you address my previous question.
I'll even reword it in simpler terms.
If I set up my redneck mobile home so the floor is exactly 1 foot above high tide today, in what year will I have to add a few more blocks under the wheels due to natural sea level rise, and how much sooner will my shag carpeting and Jeff Foxworthy DVD collection get reliably wet due to the human component of sea level rise?
And what are the confidence levels for those estimates, and have they been back tested with observable measurements?
Quack quack
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/12096103/Humans-could-evolve-webbed-feet-if-sea-levels-rise-scientist-claims.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/12096103/Humans-could-evolve-webbed-feet-if-sea-levels-rise-scientist-claims.html
DML, You took all the time and effort to debunk the anecdotal story about a fox, can you put The same effort into answering the question about natural versus human caused sealevel rise please?
Usual debate to and fro.
Tad off topic but recently had a election here which conservative supposedly unexpectedly won i hung onto hope they would sc**** through.
Anyway some called it a "climate change election" conservatives won. Some of the fact and fiction and debates were interesting.
Some of the greens policies were jsut incredible iwas basically gonna be on a electric tractor in in 10 plus years.
Sanity prevailed. Strangely one of the most informed and common sense pollies on climate change debate lost his seat ever so narrowly.
We had a by election in sydney our largest city and climate change lady "rabid" almost got in in by election about six months ago well she got voted out in election proper.
anyway not getting into pointless deabte
During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°Câ€, the Finnish researchers bluntly state in one among a series of papers.
http://https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-11/scientists-finland-japan-man-made-climate-change-doesnt-exist-practice http://https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-11/scientists-finland-japan-man-made-climate-change-doesnt-exist-practice
Oh well, the CULT was fun for a while, now put away all the SCAREY SHIT and go about your lives...
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostDML, You took all the time and effort to debunk the anecdotal story about a fox, can you put The same effort into answering the question about natural versus human caused sealevel rise please?
And the reason why none of the CAGW propagandists want to address this is obvious. Sea level rise is the perfect "evidence" of CAGW because, unlike all the other scary scenarios which are either supposed to happen someday in the vaguely defined future, or have already been given up on because they weren't happening, or don't affect the average person, and are impossible to prove/disprove for the average person, Sea Level Rise (SLR) is actually happening here and now, just like it always has. It works to scare people because SLR really is happening, and all communities close to sea level ( except coral islands which rise with it), will eventually have to be abandoned due to SLR. So it is the most effective propaganda they have left, or ever will have, and must be exploited to the fullest.
To acknowledge that there is more than just a human caused component ruins the entire narrative. Admitting that the human component is indistinguishable in the raw data cannot be permitted. Acknowledging that sea levels have been rising in fits and spurts since the peak of the last ice age, and will continue to until well past the peak of this interglacial just wouldn't be scary enough.
I have been asking them both multiple times, but they obviously comprehend how inconvenient the truthful response would be, so ignore it instead.
Any slightly informed alarmist by now realizes that they can no longer use the following as evidence because mother nature just refused to cooperate
-Warming on a scale remotely close to their cherished models
-Ocean temperatures
-Polar bear decline
-Coral bleaching
-Pine beetles
-Extreme weather
-Food shortages
-Ice free arctic
-Climate refugees
-Mass extinction
etc. etc. etc.
But mother nature was cooperative with sea level and they have continued their relentless march up, and so SLR is the last bastion of catastrophe for the true believers, and therefore cannot be questioned or examined in detail.Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Jul 13, 2019, 17:09.
Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View PostDML, You took all the time and effort to debunk the anecdotal story about a fox, can you put The same effort into answering the question about natural versus human caused sealevel rise please?
Originally posted by jazz View PostAF since dml is such a disciple of science he needs to brush up on the standard of a scientific theory. As in its up to the group making the claim to prove it beyond doubt. People who doubt the claim have no burden of proof.
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