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Investigations all or none!

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    Investigations all or none!

    Heard there will be investigation using tax money into who’s funding environmentalists? Anti oil?
    What exactly will be done if anything is found? So if someone is funding these groups so then what which don’t we all know already who it is aren’t they advertising it? And what would you find that isn’t public knowledge already?
    Is the American oil industry or anyone else funding people who want western Canada to separate?

    But should we go further?. Let’s investigate which politicians are bought off by the oil industry? And don’t look after other interests or businesses.
    Which politicians are bought off by seed companies and chemical companies so that farm inputs are artificially too high? Which companies are funding politicians so that price transparency isn’t happenning? Which politicians got money so that Chinese and other foreigners could buy irrigation, farms, a global hub,shopping malls?
    Which ones are bought off so that drug dealers aren’t investigated and if they are nothing is done to them. The list is endless. Why would a former premier quit and go to Alberta to supposedly work advising a high level legal firm without any credentials to do so?
    What would you like to see investigated?
    Last edited by the big wheel; Jul 8, 2019, 06:33.

    Would put all the unemployed back to work anyway.


      i would like to see statscan and usda investigated
      and find how come there are no repercussions when they spew their bullshit?
      this last fiasco by the usda is fraud, market manipulation , insider trading or whatever you wanna call it ?
      and not a f#$king word is said


        Investigations are all the rage.
        Remember Mike Duffy .
        A side show that cost millions to look for 30000.
        At the same time while everyone is distracted, they quietly
        Stole your seed rights

        Of course there is the Trump voter fraud investigation.
        They had a hard time finding
        Any at all
        But after Hannity and Trump
        Made it up.
        Let's have an investigation
        To the give the lie some credibility.

        It is just stupid .
        Because that sounds like the case
        Here .
        Believing your own propaganda.
        So much , that you forgot you made it up.

        I want a pipeline or 2.

        But to pretend that people would have to be paid to not want a pipeline.

        It is just pandering to your own base , at taxpayers expense.

        KENNY acting like Trump

        Spend the money putting GD
        Pipe in the ground instead.
        Last edited by sawfly1; Jul 8, 2019, 14:47.


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