Used to get approved, and money in your account inside of 3-4 days. Personally know of a few individuals who are going on 3 weeks, who've been involved in the advance program for years!
Now I would imagine there are a few decent money managers who are looking at 0% money as a way to pay off other interest bearing debt...
But im guessing the vast majority of the "new" people applying are just beginning to get their feet wet in shit creek...
If canola doesn't pull off a magical comeback in both yields and prices, and next year is below average.... hoo boy, gonna be alot of insolvencies.
But then again, I'm more than likely wrong. We all know:
1) they're not making anymore farmland.
2) the growing global middle class likes to eat.
3) farming methods now eliminate the possibility of total disasters.
4) upward and onward!
Now I would imagine there are a few decent money managers who are looking at 0% money as a way to pay off other interest bearing debt...
But im guessing the vast majority of the "new" people applying are just beginning to get their feet wet in shit creek...
If canola doesn't pull off a magical comeback in both yields and prices, and next year is below average.... hoo boy, gonna be alot of insolvencies.
But then again, I'm more than likely wrong. We all know:
1) they're not making anymore farmland.
2) the growing global middle class likes to eat.
3) farming methods now eliminate the possibility of total disasters.
4) upward and onward!