Grass use your brain is a great comment.
Trudeau pisses away billions every day and most Canadians see not one cent of that helping them.
The Trudeau government screwed up canola and we farmers get a f@#king loan.
This loan now will have to be paid back with 3 dollar a bushel less canola.
Oh the same volume is leaving canada in crushed oil or seed as before yet price crashed.
It’s a game and farmers and there useless organizations that represents them fail them.
We’re F@$ked
Trudeau pisses away billions every day and most Canadians see not one cent of that helping them.
The Trudeau government screwed up canola and we farmers get a f@#king loan.
This loan now will have to be paid back with 3 dollar a bushel less canola.
Oh the same volume is leaving canada in crushed oil or seed as before yet price crashed.
It’s a game and farmers and there useless organizations that represents them fail them.
We’re F@$ked