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    Someone else posted this on a cattle site. Hope they don't mind me re posting it as I think it is an important point:

    Originally posted by kiwi66

    I think many are missing the big picture here - mankind of all shapes and sizes has for millennia being raising, feeding, slaughtering and butchering meat animals - any able person with an intent to do so can follow this process and feed a village ................ only conglomerates and the uber industrialists have access to the processes which apparently can turn peas into protein which resembles anything like meat. If in the future (near or far depending on how stupid the average non farmer consumer is) these entities put an end to animal based agriculture (which is an avowed intent of at least one fake "meat" manufacturer) then the western worlds population will have effectively handed their food surety into the hands of a very few ......

    Like all industrial products the Chinese will be here soon and will be looking to cheapen it up.

    Be like dog food and cattle feed pellets. You can't even guess what's in it. Whatever is cheapest that day.


      Originally posted by bucket View Post
      I was doing some limited research into prices of beef compared to Beyond Meat...

      Hamburger is about 5 bucks a pound at the store...
      Beyond meat patties work out to 17 bucks a pound...

      I receive 1.60 a pound for live weight calves around 650 pounds

      I receive about 10 cents a pound for my peas...

      Just wondering what the **** our advocates are doing with our research funding channeled off our checkoff funding????

      Maybe I am just Tupid....
      Bucket your math is right on spot! The food industry margins are astounding. Fake meat is all about making money for the food industry just like climate change is all an excuse to grab more taxes from the people and not cause an outright riot.

      I grow lots of peas and I will never eat a garbage meat replacer. I thank the cattle farmer every day and get my protein in the most efficient delivery package...red meat!

      I will consume plant protein in other ways and it makes me sick to be in a Tim Horton’s line up and see people buying into the fake meat when the cattle industry has had very few awesome years and lots of struggle.

      Hats of to the cowboys...keep fighting the good fight.


        Originally posted by Crestliner View Post
        Bucket your math is right on spot! The food industry margins are astounding. Fake meat is all about making money for the food industry just like climate change is all an excuse to grab more taxes from the people and not cause an outright riot.

        I grow lots of peas and I will never eat a garbage meat replacer. I thank the cattle farmer every day and get my protein in the most efficient delivery package...red meat!

        I will consume plant protein in other ways and it makes me sick to be in a Tim Horton’s line up and see people buying into the fake meat when the cattle industry has had very few awesome years and lots of struggle.

        Hats of to the cowboys...keep fighting the good fight.
        Sadly the cattleman's representative isn't fighting or they would be pointing out the salts in processed fake meat....and the price....
        Last edited by bucket; Jul 23, 2019, 07:52.


          Beyond meat or organic products have a market more on perception of the consumer.food industries takes the consumer serious whether it has merit or not.I still can not figure out how you can patent a recipe and sell shares on it.wonder if there is a patent on a pizza.?


            Wow the anger here on this issue is interesting. As western Canada being the largest traders of peas and lentils in the world we need new markets for our pulses. India and China take far too high of a percentage of the total production. When they make noises we hurt. There is a new pea plant being built in Portage. I am no fan of fake meat for my own consumption as I like beef and I prefer to eat pulses in their traditional fashion. Hey if you are every going through Fillmore the Tavern there is run by a couple Indian guys who make a prenominal butter chicken. I prefer to see these artificial meat a "gateway" food that we can get the vegetarians of the world to move towards meat like products. We all know a good steak has it over a burger any day!


              Originally posted by jamesb View Post
              Wow the anger here on this issue is interesting. As western Canada being the largest traders of peas and lentils in the world we need new markets for our pulses. India and China take far too high of a percentage of the total production. When they make noises we hurt. There is a new pea plant being built in Portage. I am no fan of fake meat for my own consumption as I like beef and I prefer to eat pulses in their traditional fashion. Hey if you are every going through Fillmore the Tavern there is run by a couple Indian guys who make a prenominal butter chicken. I prefer to see these artificial meat a "gateway" food that we can get the vegetarians of the world to move towards meat like products. We all know a good steak has it over a burger any day!
              A good point that yes we should be seeking new markets. I should be thinking only of my business but I can’t help but not like benefitting from hurting the cattlemen or anyone in the meat industry. And would this be a real benefit if we only limit this to our country? Less beef less demand for barley and other things right? We take those barley oat acres out and into peas pretty soon are we less ahead plus no cattlemen?
              I don’t like the way it’s being marketed. Tastes just like beef no not really I tried one. It’s so masked with condiments it could be sawdust. And is that where this is headed in the future maybe a tree will be ground up? Why are the meat industries reps not fighting this? Market it as it is a protein grain patty. Are we going to
              Lose foreign markets for this marketing it as a burger? They want and eat it instead of meat for a reason.

              I enjoy my Canadian produced steak, roast, bacon,chicken wings greatly.


                Maybe I am looking at this all wrong....maybe the cattleman and beef guy are not charging enough for their product....

                If people are willing to pay 17 bucks a pound for fake meat that isn't competing with steak but the trimmings....

                Maybe I should be getting more for my calves....

                I know I should be getting more for my peas....which was the point of the thread...


                  Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                  The hamburger price tells me that the middleman is working on razor thin margins, contrary to popular belief.
                  Not at all there is plenty margin, if you don't believe it try it.


                    Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                    Not at all there is plenty margin, if you don't believe it try it.
                    Why would I want to try losing money? Everyone Who has tried it around here has failed. There is a reason why packing plants use foreign workers, and virtually every one still hasgone bankrupt, some more than once.


                      Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                      Not at all there is plenty margin, if you don't believe it try it.
                      grass , i know very little about cattle. Can you tell me what is the value of say an average 2 or 3 yr old dry cow if all was deboned and turned into hamburger ,counting the butchers cut ?
                      i guess what i am wondering i if i bought that cow , paid to have it killed, cut and wrapped , what would hamburger cost me a pound
                      i realize there is a lot of different factors , just an average price , if you could?
                      just curious ?


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