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Friday crop report on Thursday.

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    Friday crop report on Thursday.

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    Well this will be a short report as I am 3600 km south of our farm.

    So others please share what’s happening in your areas.

    So here is my report

    We have heat and lots of heat happening yes it trims yield a bit but it pushes the crop.

    Canola aborts flowers at these temps but it has to happen for crop to get to in.

    Hrs is catching up and filling has begun. Moisture in our ground is good so should fill. I don’t think it still will beat last year but could come close. Frost is concern. Crop is now a 9.

    Canola evened out and is thickening and podding nice. Will abort flowers today and tomorrow. Don’t think it will get to last years yields. Rating is now a 8.

    Barley some really nice crops in our area and nice size heads. Rating is a 9 compared to last year.

    Oats is filling and not as good as last year.

    Peas are starting to shut down and fill. On our farm they are better than last years wreck. 8 is rating.

    Lentils made lots of plants.

    Pasture is looking better.

    Fist hay cut was poor some might get second.

    Guys put sprayer away and now are waiting for fall.

    Combines and swathers are out for the ten stage crop and how to handle harvest.

    In the USA it’s getting dry on a late USA crop frost is a concern for corn and soy.

    Fert is hunting USA farmers will grow more corn next year and needs to go up.

    So again we’re catching up slowly but still a long way to the bin.

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    Up early off to try the new ride at Universal.

    Rain for month is a foot of water down here.

    900 people a day moving to Florida.

    It still hasn’t slowed down here. Summer no snow birds still line ups good restaurants.

    Now our idiot in Canada is handing out cash going to gay bars looking for any one who will pose with him.

    We mean nothing in this election it’s all about Quebec and Ontario on who will win.

    Working overtime to get Ralph out. It’s time and he is done. Your a idiot in wascana if you support this fool he is worried so let’s send him packing.

    I still think twinkle toes will join the NDP and Green and Andrew won’t win. Every one has to get out and vote.


      Why I love the area I live.

      It’s rural

      Beach is 1.3 east and 1 hour west away.

      Disney is 27 min

      Airports two major same time to them.

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        Hot and Humid. Rain comes in at around 5 every night and then this weekend it switches to Morning rain then sun shine


          Hail storms continue to roll through western and north western sask and parts of Alberta . Major damage in some areas , with total crop loss . Some take pride in their crops not happy to use insurance.... if they have insurance. Cash was very tight after last years terrible harvest , yield and grade losses .... not everyone could afford $600 / ac hail coverage ... but that’s life in the real world .
          Most areas were looking foreword to a warm sunny week that was forecast, but rains have been daily to every second day.
          Guys trying to put up hay are having a real bad time now. The forecast has completely screwed their plans and hay in now deteriorating in some areas.
          Not complaining or whining, just telling the truth as it is .


            Thanks I agree it’s not wining it’s the truth and it hurts. Watch sask ag and food will be all is great only a few have issues.

            There report is a joke.

            Hail has been a big problem this summer and when it hits bad damage.

            Our rain total for July was 3.5 in no big dumps just right. Zero hail so far.

            My son sent these


              Sent from a combine harvest crew. Washington.


                Just saying how I feel


                  Most canola locally has blanks on main stem. Was just to dry too long at a critical early flowering. Just glad it was not overly hot during that period.
                  Lots of uneven canola in the area , but that was known in early June .
                  Cereal crops locally are ok , most emerged even and still are . Peas are from good to 25-50% root rot ...... with very little rain in May or the first 18 days of June ....... would love to hear an expert opinion on that lol ...
                  lentils looked very good but with consistent rains .... quality will be a big issue now .
                  Hay that’s not put up yet is in trouble now
                  Very heavy rains west and north west this morning......where the ground is or has been saturated already.
                  Locally we are at just under 6 in since May 1 plus the bit this morning. Most of that from one rain June 18-19 and the past 2 weeks . 5-8 miles west and north the totals go up dramatically. Some areas not far away pushing 10-12 in now .
                  Further NW into the 15 in range
                  Some areas south and east are still just around 3 in for the year .


                    Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                    Hail storms continue to roll through western and north western sask and parts of Alberta . Major damage in some areas , with total crop loss . Some take pride in their crops not happy to use insurance.... if they have insurance. Cash was very tight after last years terrible harvest , yield and grade losses .... not everyone could afford $600 / ac hail coverage ... but that’s life in the real world .
                    Most areas were looking foreword to a warm sunny week that was forecast, but rains have been daily to every second day.
                    Guys trying to put up hay are having a real bad time now. The forecast has completely screwed their plans and hay in now deteriorating in some areas.
                    Not complaining or whining, just telling the truth as it is .
                    Ah come on that’s definately whining you’re supposed to say hay is rotting but no one cares because there are so many subsidies given to farmers. If it all rots who cares just sell all the cows that took a couple generations to establish because first you’re likely the only one in cattle left for miles and miles around you must be lonely and second you can get a great big deferred tax benefit. And you can’t enjoy that benefit unless you sell out. Hooray this is so *** easy this farming.
                    Now let’s see what country can I buy my steak from?


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