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Friday crop report on Thursday.

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    I think once the fool get what he wants we all will have a big problem farming. Green manure yea took that in plant science back in 1979 or 80.

    In a wet area like ours I need roundup to end the season and help me with weeds. It’s a safe chemical not like some we use.

    Organic is a bigger game and I hate spraying at night.


      Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
      I think once the fool get what he wants we all will have a big problem farming. Green manure yea took that in plant science back in 1979 or 80.

      In a wet area like ours I need roundup to end the season and help me with weeds. It’s a safe chemical not like some we use.

      Organic is a bigger game and I hate spraying at night.
      You're so close to the answer its painful to watch


        Again show me how roundup is bad.

        I’ll show you how organic is a joke.



          Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
          Again show me how roundup is bad.

          I’ll show you how organic is a joke.

          You wish. PM me when you're ready


            Why would I PM you. You think I want to friend you.

            What your end game is. Isn’t mine.

            I’ll quit before I go organic.

            Wait no I’ll wait it out go back to old way and when organic fails I’ll come back and pick the organic bones and win.

            Ag your way means starvation.


              Austranada: "I'm moving to Australia"

              Manitoba: "Don't let the door hit you on the way out"


                Why on earth do you guys keep engaging with this austranada. It's what he is looking for and you all line up for it. You cant have a conversation with these types of people. I would imagine he is some phoney sitting around laughing. Look at his end of glyphosate topic. It will never die because someone keeps replying back and it's his opening to keep it alive by responding with more of his garbage.
                Funny how these extremists never have to have facts to back up their bullshit, but they expect it from you.


                  Sort of like a liberal they want you to tell all the facts but they do nothing or the new green generation.

                  Yes he is a fool every single farmer can see that.

                  Pm me was a good one.

                  I know one thing the big organic farm at melville is not going to survive and my organic neighbours did good two years now guess what grass and thistles come back and choke out your crops.

                  We needed roundup and funny how the safest chemical in the world they want to ban.

                  Starve is all I say.


                    I don't like summer fallow but sometimes its just necessary. The field in the picture has been in alfalfa for seed production for the last 14 years. Last fall i sprayed it with glyfos but with the frosts that we had i got a very poor kill. I planned on seeding it this spring so i sprayed it again but glyfos won't do much to alfalfa in the spring and then it was dry so changed plans and never seeded it. I will work that field until the middle of August then let it regrow till early Sept. and then spray it. That should clean up all the perennial weeds. Then likely work it late in the fall to clean up any winter annual weeds that will come up


                      It was a very nice picture.
                      Flat square field, not a slough in sight, black dirt. Bush where it belongs.


                        Obviously, engaging with fanatics not a winning strategy.
                        But I suppose neither is letting them get louder and stronger unopposed.


                          Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                          Obviously, engaging with fanatics not a winning strategy.
                          But I suppose neither is letting them get louder and stronger unopposed.
                          Yeah, but why keep supplying the wood for the fire. When extremist groups have no one to engage with they turn on each other and eat their own. Just think democratic debates.


                            In this case perhaps, there's a lot of people listening to them. Constant affirmation creating fact.
                            Think Beer Hall Putsch ??


                              Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                              In this case perhaps, there's a lot of people listening to them. Constant affirmation creating fact.
                              Think Beer Hall Putsch ??
                              Then came Mein Kampf.

                              Then they got to write, or tried to re-write, the rule book then we all know what happened after that.

                              When drones follow fanatics......


                                It's a no win situation.
                                If we engage, it gives them unwarranted legitimacy and encourages them.

                                If we ignore them as the uninformed useful idiots that they are, then it becomes a one sided debate with the Trolls and useful idiots framing the message to suit their own agendas. This unopposed propaganda gives the impressionable, undecided or even open minded public the false impression that farmers themselves don't, won't or can't refute the information that it must be true.

                                I'm of the opinion that the best way to deal with them might be to encourage them to continually become ever more preposterously extremist in their beliefs, projections, and policies. With a little push and a big boost to their egos, they will quickly cross the line of any rational person, and go full AOC destroying any credibility they or their organization or cause ever had.

                                AOC of course stands for Alexandria Occasional Cortex who has been a poster child for how effective this strategy works. One can only assume that her advisors are all paid by the republican party. She is the best gift the Democrats could heve ever given Trump.
                                Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Aug 2, 2019, 12:49.


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