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Know you guys differ from me on this one.

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    Know you guys differ from me on this one.

    Gun laws.

    Yep we had a tightening in australia few more checks and licenses. Bit of outcry at the time but farmers etc still do what we want to do, kids can go bunny shooting etc in compoany of adult.

    All self-loading centrefire rifles, pump-action or self-loading shotguns that have a magazine capacity of more than 5 rounds, semi-automatic rimfire rifles over 10 rounds, are restricted to government agencies, occupational shooters and primary producers.

    Almost impossible to buy rimfires with 10 rounds they just dont come in aust anymore nobody buys them.

    Its really made zero diffenrence to farmers etc hunters just people in city basically cant buy firearms unless in a club etc

    ps primary producers is farmer grazier.

    flame me but why does some one in downtown toronto need a gun?

    There were groups here that wanted guns banned 100% common sense prevailed and happy balance found.

    One thing that annoys me on alot of North American sites with this debate is farmers country folk fear they will lose there weapons they WONT.

    Hopefully i wont lose tomany freinds on here with above comments....still mates farmaholic??? grovel grovel

    Not sure it would play out the same in Canada as Australia. Our central government seems to have little understanding of what goes on at the farm level.

    I personally am not a big gun owning fanatic. I have a .22 varmit gun, 30-06 rifle and a 12 guage shotgun. Only use the .22 and 12 guage periodically.

    I am ok with a few more restrictions but I don't believe it will make any difference to the level of gun crime in the cities.

    I think they did some research and found that none of the guns used in crime in Toronto were registered guns.

    A small percentage were stolen from registered gun owners and the majority were smuggled from the states.


      Should change that to city rather than toronto just used it as examlpe.

      Your arsenal is about standard for oz farmers we still can have it.

      On the ranch in plevna montana 3 of the family have been to oz and dont disagree with our gun laws at all.

      Should affect us at all in wilds of montana if such laws came in.

      who know you guys know more than me.

      A second shooting just occured ??


        I’m pretty sure I’d rather be in the middle of a shooting than a large bomb or incinerated device.

        Probably a better outcome.


          Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
          Should change that to city rather than toronto just used it as examlpe.

          Your arsenal is about standard for oz farmers we still can have it.

          On the ranch in plevna montana 3 of the family have been to oz and dont disagree with our gun laws at all.

          Should affect us at all in wilds of montana if such laws came in.

          who know you guys know more than me.

          A second shooting just occured ??
          Just was in Montana at Glacier park, ran into a 20 something guy with an assault rifle hanging around his neck and 2 other men with fairly large pistols on their hips these guys just out for a sightseeing trip. Sure makes you feel uneasy when you aren't used to it.


            Originally posted by TSIPP View Post
            I’m pretty sure I’d rather be in the middle of a shooting than a large bomb or incinerated device.

            Probably a better outcome.
            Yeah, good job they're already illegal.


              I’m not against more restrictions. We’ve always had a couple of rifles kicking around for various farm duties - euthanasia for instance. But why do people need pistols? Why do they need licenses to carry?

              Social media opens eyes to other countries and the amount of American women in Ag groups on Facebook that ask for recommendations for holsters for their pistols when they go riding just floors me. Wtf are you going to shoot with a pistol off a horse?! They claim to need it for defence from wildlife. I’ve ridden around all the wildlife they claim to need protection from and never once felt I’d need a gun for protection. And if the time came that I did, I highly doubt a pistol would be sufficient for the job.

              Firearms are tools for jobs. If you don’t have a job for them, then why do you need them. If a normal hammer will get the job done, you don’t use a sledgehammer. If a single action rifle or small clip will get the job done, why do you need an assault rifle?

              Many people own such excessively overdone firearms because they view them as cool status symbols. If restrictions made it harder for idiots like that to get guns then it would make it harder for criminals to steal said guns and on and on. I realize crime will get guns no matter what restrictions but that still doesn’t make me feel like we need less restrictions so we become more Americanized. Anyone in my acquaintance that holds the belief we need laws more similar to America goes down as an idiot in my books forever. I understand if a person doesn’t necessarily want tightened restrictions here or trust them to be implemented well, but that’s different than having none at all!


                Anyone who is in favor of more restrictions make my head hurt.


                  Seems that when there’s a maniac loose with a weapon, gun, knife, car, truck, bus whatever, there’s never anyone there with a gun to stop them.

                  Is that a significant statistic?
                  What about home invasions? Would you prefer to be unarmed in that situation?

                  Looking from the outside in, you can think people don’t need a firearm. What if it’s you and your family?


                    Handguns have been restricted and have to be registered in Canada since 1930 odd something. I just fail to see how more restrictions would make a difference?

                    The dummy who stormed the parliament buildings used a lever action 30 30 for crying out loud. Guess we better ban them, along with those terrible nasty and scary “ assault rifles” everyone panics about because they are black and kind of sort of look like a military gun.

                    No one needs a handgun? No one needs rifles? I suppose not.

                    Just like no one needs scary cars, ropes, knives, boats, swimming pools, streets, under counter cleaning supplies, car seats, horses, ladders, airplanes, electricity, fire, train tracks, bicycles, bridges, mines, mountains, and Monty python rabbits, all which kill and maim more people I would wager than legal and respected firearms.

                    Bring back the gallows, or at least real and hard time, keep the losers off the streets, and watch crime drop. Remember when Harper theorized about building more prisons, and how he got crucified for even mentioning it?


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