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Know you guys differ from me on this one.

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    Guess one of the issues is "the right to bear arms" stuff was relevant back then maybe not now.

    Did a fair rodeo at baker montana didnt see a single sidearm.

    Rancher i was with always carried a rifle in work pick up.

    Dogs and coons just done let up on each other must have shot 3 or 4 racoons in my time there.


      Beating the same tired horse again.

      The USA happens to be a different country with a different history and culture. The end.

      Canada will likely keep increasing it's restrictions because it buys votes.
      More restrictions above the current set will not reduce crime. It may make mass shootings more rare. Of which we've had how many in 30 years?? Again, mass shootings. In Canada I mean, not the news somewhere else.

      Again, we can't keep smuggled cigs out either. 50kg of meth found in a semi at Coutts this week.
      Of course, outlawing everything will change our culture and that's fine. Soon, few will own any firearms anyway. My kids won't want my collection when I'm gone anyway.

      What lawfully stays in my safe except a few hours a year shouldn't be anyone elses business. Leave us alone, we'll die off soon enough.

      I suspect as many have deceased prematurely from herbicides as firearms,
      Oh ya, they're coming for those too.
      And cheap energy, and gmo, etc etc.
      Fear fear fear. Enough.


        Just got back from Montana.
        Never saw a gun.
        And only 1 Trump hat.
        I was happy about that.
        I have a couple of guns .
        But comforting to know hand guns are not carried by the general


          Much easier to keep guns out of island nation and whittle down on those already in existence.

          The amount of guns that cross the US/Canada border, just at designated land crossings, each day would probably blow a lot of minds if actually known. You can make good money hustling guns. Get a 1/2 dozen special order guns across in one shipment and you can make more than the average Canuck makes in a year. I've got a good story for you. Last year I was coming back into Canada (as I am a regular border crosser every week or so) and 2 cars behind me were 2 Black Tahoes, loaded with adult males with 'SHERIFF' labeled tactical vests, and associated military garb. You would swear they were active military for their presentation and fitness. Vehicles were loaded to the ceiling in back with gun cases and ammo. I was inside station paying my duty and bullshitting with border guards (they are locals) and got to hear the whole window conversation as it is a very small station. The Yanks were coming to a play military black opp games in the remote wilderness of Canada (about 40 miles from my place). Because they declared their weapons and intentions, they never got into any serious trouble and were just given a warning and turned around. Now can you imagine the firepower that would be imported if they had played it cool without the garb and were towing a boat with them to say they were going fishing?

          And for those that go to the US and don't see guns, that is the point. It's called conceal carry (CC). Guys don't want someone to know they are packing because those are the people a mass shooter targets first to eliminate any threat. The variety and complexity of conceal carry harnesses available nowadays is amazing. Majority you would never suspect of carrying without a pat-down.

          There is nothing the Canadian government can do to eliminate gun violence in this country with the neighbors we have and the border being as huge as it is. People in the cities are absolutely clueless what happens outside their little zone.


            If you guys didnt have usa next door with "gun culture" would it make any idfference just asking rather than stating.

            Has the gun culture flowed through to canada?? to a degree?

            Shouldnt compare oz to you guys different in so many ways. Fact is the only gun users in oz before bans were farmers hunters and gun clubs maybe 95% Then there was the other 5 % that could purchase weapons freely and maybe didnt need them.

            Crims will always get firearms and mostly use them against other crims mostly.

            Just the 1% nutters the guy that started it at port arthur locked away solitary confinement i think about 20 hours a day. Certifiably insane.

            Only two other since have been religious fanatics. And domestic violence occasionally with illegal firearms.


              I think and hope your my freinds and dont want to ruffle feathers especially sheepwheat your good value.

              But sheepw who really needs a assault rifle maybe some hunters wild boars and bears perhaphs but average joe nah?

              Maybe im naive but a example i live 150 meteres from a major minor road if that makes sense. nearest neighbour about 1km away to my east to my west 5 kms.

              We dont lock our house when we go out dont lock sheds etc only lock 16000 litre diesel tank. Do lock house if going away for 3 days or more.

              Maybe we have bugger crime in oz and actual need for guns isnt there so we think its working?


                Close to thirty thousand people die in Canada from medical malpractice and we're worrying about guns.

                I’ll bet most of the shootings are a result of medical malpractice, some of those antidepressants aren’t helping anyone and the doctors are pushing them out like candy. FFS guns don’t kill people.


                  Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
                  I think and hope your my freinds and dont want to ruffle feathers especially sheepwheat your good value.

                  But sheepw who really needs a assault rifle maybe some hunters wild boars and bears perhaphs but average joe nah?

                  Maybe im naive but a example i live 150 meteres from a major minor road if that makes sense. nearest neighbour about 1km away to my east to my west 5 kms.

                  We dont lock our house when we go out dont lock sheds etc only lock 16000 litre diesel tank. Do lock house if going away for 3 days or more.

                  Maybe we have bugger crime in oz and actual need for guns isnt there so we think its working?
                  Mallee! You having a differing opinion matters not one iota in terms of my opinion of you. No worries there, I don’t take it hard!

                  See, in Canada, “assault” rifles are restricted and not easily obtained by law abiding folks. All weapons have magazine restrictions in theory.

                  Guys I know that have these type of guns are often the same type who have handguns, they simply love guns, shooting, and enjoy their collections, like guys who have stamps or other useless Collectibles.

                  And finally, we are not a door locking society either at least where I am at. I lock our door at night to prevent our dog from entering and letting in mosquitoes. She can operate the lever style action door knob.

                  In 43 years of my life now, we have had zero crime on our farm. Towns near reserves are different, as are major reserve to reserve or reserve to town corridors. We had our van stolen under our nose in town and burnt on the nearby reserve.

                  That all being said, I do fell no small comfort that in a bad situation, I do have the firepower to hold off attacks if need be to protect my family. Good luck calling cops for help out here. You call 911 here and they transfer you to Regina, and diddle around trying to find someone available at the “local” detachment.


                    Has the gun culture flowed through to canada?? to a degree?

                    Yes and no.
                    Guns share a similar heritage here.
                    Our history on the prairies somewhat similar.
                    Our two cultures, have always been different.
                    Recent gun "culture". ????

                    In the 80s and 90s gun stores and shows dried up or didn't exist.
                    Then came, I believe, Satellite or cable television with non big network shows. And the economy got better.
                    Gun stores and shows did ok.
                    Going downhill again now.

                    Even the big time US "culture" a decades recent phenomenon since the politicization of the NRA.
                    Second Amendment stuff has been a battle flag for political gain since roughly the seventies.

                    Again, the cultural 'melting pot' down there is unlike our fkd up failed 'mosaic'.

                    Remember, most of our media intake American.

                    Me, I just like to be left the hell alone. Especially by someone 3000 miles away with a completely dissimilar life.

                    Hope this helps Mallee


                      Just want to add a final and last comment I’m definitely NOT a lefty.

                      And like someone said 3000 miles away different scenario

                      So accept that.

                      Went to huge gun store in Calgary huge wife who has a crackin sense of humour was studying the camouflage knickers and bras and thought out loud maybe a little to loud lol .......wonder if they have camaflage condoms nearly peed mysyself giggling think they guy nearby thought she meant it


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